
Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Lovely Reminder based on Scripture, of course!

Greetings, Dear Ones, Again, Again!

    I am on a roll today!

    Three posts in one day! I like how this feels!

    We know that there is a being "out there" that takes pleasure in attempting to make us doubt the Living Word of Our Holy Lord. Well, here is a short work, based on that Living Word, to remind of the positions and assistance of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

God the Father - He provides!
God the Son - you know He died!
God the Spirit - is the Guide!
Satan - well, you know he lied!

Almighty God - He sees, He knows!
Jesus Christ - He bears our woes!
The Holy Spirit - Comforts, restores!
Satan - tempts us to ignore!

Satan says "Your battle's lost!"
Jesus says: "NO! I PAID YOUR COST!"
Holy Spirit, He abides, and
Almighty God still reigns on High!


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