
Monday, October 27, 2014

Father, Forgive Me!

Heavenly Father,
I come to You  today with a contrite heart and beseech Your forgiveness.
I ask you, Lord, to forgive me for all the times I did not trust You to make 
a way for me; for all the times I ignored Your wise counsel not to make 
a move and paid a heavy price for disobedience; for all those times that 
I have been willful, and hard-headed and chose to walk in my own wisdom; 
for all those times I chose to ignore  conscience and knowingly did what 
I knew to be  wrong in Your sight. Oh, Father, forgive me! Father, I beseech
You to forgive me for my often lack of faith in You, my Almighty God.
I beseech You, Father, to forgive me for the many times I have given
You my burdens only to take them back and made matters worse.
Father, I am sorry for being an often wayward child, and I ask You to help
me to stay on the straight and narrow path, and to always 
do right even in the face of rabid opposition.  Father, I love You, and I ask
these mercies in the name of Jesus Christ, the Righteous, and I thank You for
hearing and answering prayer. AMEN.

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