
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lord, Prepare Me

Father, Have mercy on me,  a sinner.  
Father, I am digging into Your Holy Word seeking after knowledge, and I ask You to help me to see Your truth, 
and not the truth that evil men would have me 
believe for their gain as I search through the many and various study materials to aid my understanding of Your Word.  
I ask You to shield my eyes, my ears, and my heart from the personal interpretations, outright lies, and carefully 
crafted deceits of the enemy of my soul, and help me, Lord, 
to keep my eye on the prize, Home. 
Oh, how my heart longs for Home. Home with Jesus. 
You have promised in Your Holy Word that You 
will have a people prepared and ready to meet the King. 
Please, I beseech You, help me, under the agency of 
Your Holy Spirit, to be ready, possessing all 
the fruit of Your Spirit, and living as only a 
Child of the King, can. I love You, Lord. 
Please come soon. AMEN

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