
Friday, November 14, 2014

Believers are Blessed

 Believers are Blessed

We clothe ourselves with humility
We arm ourselves with prayer
We bow before God as supplicants
We cast on Him every care and seek rest

We seek His will for our lives
We treasure His every word
His stripes are those that heal us
His tears our eyes wash and refresh

He has prepared for us a table
He anoints with oil our heads
He fills our cups to overflowing
He has fashioned us white robes and glittering crowns

We do not want for anything
He is our all and all
He by still waters lead us
We have nothing to fear should we die

He heals us all with His stripes
He doth sin-sick souls restore
He in righteous paths daily lead us
He makes us by green pastures rest

Sin cannot take us away from Him
He paid sin's price for our paths
His mercy and goodness shall follow us
While our lives on this earth shall last

And when at last through the valley
Of death's shadow we seemingly descend on our own
We have nothing to fear in the darkness
For He never leaves us by ourselves, all alone

Soon the trumpet of the Archangel resounding
Shall wake the dead and the living alert
All we who have placed our faith in the Savior

And we shall live in His House for eternity

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