
Friday, November 21, 2014

Church Change Came

Church Change Came

Phil A. Dephia and Lao Dicea were two Christians
Who each received letters from The Master today
They were excited for they knew Him personally
And couldn't wait for His words additionally!

Phil and Lao sat down their letters to read
Oh how both their hearts did speed
To hear from The Master – what a thrill
For both knew their hearts He would definitely fill!

They knew that The Master knew them inside and out
They knew a letter from The Master was something to shout about
So with shaky hands, and foreheads gathered
They opened their letters, and read the words tethered!

Phil read his letter and started to cry
For The Master said His Faith Phil had not denied
Even living amongst those who would him kill
He'd kept his garments white and His garden did till!

What made Phil cry and hug the letter to his heart
Was the part where The Master said, in part:
Because thou has kept the word of my patience,
I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation,
Which shall come upon all the world,
To try them that dwell upon the earth (Rev. 3:10)

By now, Lao had finished his letter reading
And knew in his heart he deserved the beating
That he felt he'd received by reading those words
That had become back-belaboring boards!

With tears of contrition, his heart laid bare
Lao re-read the letter, the condemning words to hear:
I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot:
I would thou wert cold or hot.
So then because thou art lukewarm,
And neither cold nor hot,
I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Because thou sayest, I am rich,
And increased with goods,
And have need of nothing;
And knowest not that thou art wretched,
And miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire,
That thou mayest be rich;
And white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed,
And that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear;
And anoint thine eyes with eye-salve,
That thou mayest see. Rev. 3:15-18

It was then that Lao truly saw the encouraging words
He felt his beloved Master had sent to him
Lao savored those words time and again
And felt renewal of spirit rear up in his soul!

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten:
Be zealous therefore, and repent Rev. 3:19
Became Lao's reason for loving and living
And encouraging self and others from complacency to take flight!
All was not lost! There was still a kingdom to gain
Plus a seat at His banqueting table!
So it was from that day, that with the Spirit Lao performed
As befitting a child of The Glorious Kingdom!

No more self-serving
No more in corporeal wealth a-gloating
No more wearing one's own garment of state
No more blindness of eye
No more trusting in pie
For The Master had removed the stye from his eye!

Lao now constantly blesses his Master
Thankful for averted disaster
For the chance to clean up his act, and to change
Into a garment of His Righteousness
After casting away the eyeglasses
And becoming the possessor of real and tried gold!

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