
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Prayer for Comfort and Strength with Promises

Oh, Thou who hearest every heartfelt prayer, have mercy on us, Your children.

Father, all the signs are in the air that our days on this earth are fast coming to an end.
Everywhere, Father, we see and hear about our brothers and sisters who are being 
hounded out of business, classified domestic terrorists and hate mongers for their 
stand on Biblical morality, beaten, and even martyred for their faith 
in the Lord, Christ. Have mercy.

Father, the Master told us not let anyone deceive us because there will be those who will 
come in His name and will deceive those who have no love for, nor grounding 
in the Holy Word, and we beseech You to help us, Father, to stick to 
Your Revealed and Preserved Word, and to study and show ourselves approved, 
to bury that Word deep in our hearts, to live its precepts, claim its promises, 
and live Christ-like lives as those worthy of our recompense. 

Father, the day seems very near when the laws of our lands will mark true believers 
as enemies of our homelands, and the governments will withdraw their protection, 
and will abandon us to mercies of those who desire our destruction, and we plead 
for Your mercy on us as we pray for the protection and provision, care and comfort 
You promised to us through the little time of Jacob's trouble. 

Help us, Lord, to grab hold of the promise and wrestle valiantly in prayer with 
He Who Is Faithful. Until then, help us to confess all our sins, whether by omission, 
or commission, as Jacob did, so that we may be saved and blessed.

Father, in Isaiah 49, You promised not to forget any of us who have our hope in Jesus, 
and we eagerly claim this blessed promise, for we are graven in the palms of His hands. 

Father, in Zechariah 2, You promised that whoever touches us, 
touch the apple of Your eye, and we, in child-like trust, faith and humility, 
claim this promise for we are worthy by the Blood.

Father, have mercy on us, and upon those who are seeking Your Face and,  
if there is just one more person that we can reach for Your Kingdom, help us to 
seek out and minister to that searching soul as for a lost sheep. 

Father, we beseech You to grant us strength to stand firm in the Faith, strength for 
our journeying, courage for the way that we must travel, willingness to turn the other 
cheek when abused and opposed, to keep a song in our hearts, and to have a soft 
answer to turn away the wrath of our foes as we go on Your errands.

Bless us, and keep us in Your care this day, and always, for we love You, Lord,


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