
Friday, December 26, 2014

I Want To Get Paid!



I Want To Get Paid!

I don’t know about you but
I want to get paid!
Not with black pennies
But with gold crowns
Not with dread trumpets
But with Angel songs
Not with the tare bundles
But with the Glory Throng!
I want to get paid!

I want to get paid!
And I’m going to the Judge
Who will ensure
That that which I get
Is truly commensurate
With my labor of love and 
My faithfulness!
I want to get paid!

I’ve loved, and I’ve labored
Counselled with, and exemplified
The life of a true believer -
Christ’s cross I’ve not denied!
I’ve ministered to the miserly, the miserable, the cross
To those that were little children
And to those who suffered loss!

I’ve cared for the contemptuous and
I’ve been a good steward to the “Boss”
Who cheats me of my wages
For worldly work that pays dross!
 I gave to the ungrateful and
I blessed the banished thief
I loved and I labored on
Often without relief!

I’ve tried to be a light
To those who could not agree
That Jesus is the answer
The Truth, the Life, the Way
And kept to my position
No matter what they’d say!

And though the road has been long
I’ve held fast to my conviction!
In me is found no dereliction!
I love His people!
I fast!
 I pray!
My Jesus is coming and
In my heart is the song:
I’m about to get paid!

Dear Ones: 

This is no boast! God’s people are privileged to know what their payment is, and when/where it will be delivered, and to joyfully look forward to that Great Day! 

I encourage us all to hold fast to our profession in faith and in faithfulness, and to keep our prize in constant view!

John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

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