
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Day Love and Life Met

If That Isn't Love

The Day Love and Life Met

D'Andrea's Story

For as long as D'Andrea could remember, she had always wanted to meet Emmanuel a/k/a Mr. Right. Her Mr. Right! And the day that she finally did meet him, she truly understood what all the girls at the mission meant when they talked about meeting “the one!”
He was not classically handsome. In truth, he wasn't much to look at!
He was tall – but not imposing.
He was dark, and light, and fair, and comfortable-looking.
He wasn't so important that she couldn't get close to, or reach for, him.
He wasn't so cold and formal and judgmental and imposing and intimidating that she would want to pass him by with nary a second look.
He was, well, like Bear Mom's porridge. He was just right! Kinda.
He didn't have a house, or any visible means of transportation.
He had an entourage, and a lot of groupies, and hangers-on but what made him worth knowing was the fact that the two most important big-wigs in the country hated him!
Family by marriage, rich, and politically connected, An Nas and Cai A. Phas, hated anyone who was more popular than themselves, and who – they believed – took glory away from their house, and their productions.
Truth be told, it was being bandied about that those two were plotting to have Emmanuel killed!
Emmanuel didn't even have a job though, it was said, he was a master craftsman having trained and worked under the eminent Davidite artisan Joseph Carpenter, and it was a fact that all he seemed to do was walk up and down the countryside, and the seaside, talking to the locals as though he was canvassing for elective office.
Some of the people who had met him personally had reported that he had some unknown power controlling him for he was able to dismiss their impossibilities as if they never were!
The day that D'Andrea met Emmanuel was the day that D'Andrea finally found her home, her heart, her love and her true life.
D'Andrea's recent life was one fraught with frustration, frugality, feeble-mindedness, filth and fomentation.
In short, her life was not a life or, at least, not a life worth living.
Disappointment, drudgery, deprivation, disavowal and disturbance were her realities.
What was to become of her?
Then, she heard the noise, and she knew! This was going to be her day!
Come hell, or high water, D'Andrea determined, then and there, that she was going to meet her Emmanuel!
Yes! He has her Emmanuel and she was going to claim him for her own!
And, then, there he was! Right in front of her face!
Oh, his eyes! Such beautiful eyes!
There was a banked fire burning in those eyes that bid one to come and rest for a while, and forever.
And, that voice! How it undulated as it flowed and covered one in the wet and wonderful warmth as of a soothing bath!
Emmanuel's words as sound on silent wind caress D'Andrea's soul, and there is ecstasy.
Finally. Finally!!
No more lies!
No more half-truths!
No more dissembling!
Here is her heart! He took it!
Here is past life. He cleansed it!
Here is love made true. She accepted it!
Emmanuel loves D'Andrea loves Emmanuel, and it is righteous.
D'Andrea's life has met her love, and she is ... home!

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