
Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Living Stream

The Living Stream

One day I happened on a stream 
Called the Grace of God
Where all who bathed emerged again
Clean, blessed, and ready to rejoice!

This stream was like no other stream
Where one only could get wet
This stream it flowed, and flowered, and
Covered in joy, not regret!

All those who entered in the stream
Were those who saw their need for
A cleansing and a renewing of
The spirit plagued by the sins they abhor!

These were the ones who accepted the call
Of Jesus via Hill Calvary
And recognized that without it they would be lost
And chose to let Him bear their cross!

The Grace of God - that stream profound
Draws in one who is lost and 
Releases one who’s been found!

It washes, it cleanses
It refines and it heals
It covers, and establishes
Those who before Him kneel
And confess, and repent
Seeking renewal and reform
E’en setting aside Earth - the crown with the thorns
And seeking the jewel of Heaven
Eternal, everlasting
With Jesus, the Savior
The Redeemer, our Friend
Who made the way easy 
For this man to be cleansed
In His stream 
By God’s Grace
His glory to share!

Step in now, walk boldly
Into the cleansing stream
When it covers your head - don’t cower
For it’s then it releases the Power!

Don’t be afraid now!
He who loves - holds you
He who died - stands
He who arose is e’er ready 
To protect and console you!
Be strong! He will shield you!
He is the Great I AM!

He is calling, always calling
He is knocking at your heart’s door
He is able, ever ready
To sit with you and to show  
How to walk in His faith
His testimony to share
So that others beholding
Will want Him their burden to take care!

So, my brother, my sister
All you who believe
Get ready with the help of King Jesus
Your freedom to receive!

Walk into the water!
Walk into the flood  
For it heals, and it cleanses
All because of  Living Blood!

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