
Monday, January 5, 2015

I Want The LOG!

I Want the LOG!

Sarah and Clita were little girls who lived a simple life, in a simple village, in a simple house, and were reared by simple parents.

Yup. Their lives were simple, but oh so amazing, because of the log that their parents insisted upon them learning about, and making it an integral part of their lives.

At first, learning about the log seemed so silly!

“Why do we need to learn about the log?” asked Clita.

“We see logs fallen around the house, and in the woods, all the time!” whined Sarah.

“Now, children. Listen carefully!” said Papa.

“This log is not just any old tree, or any piece of old wood! This log is the Lamb of God!”

“The Lamb of God?!” exclaimed Sarah and Clita in stereo.

“Yes!” crowed Papa. “The log IS the LAMB OF GOD!”

“You see, a long time ago, before the fall of the human race, Almighty God, The Word, and The Spirit, agreed that Jesus, the Son of the Father, the Lamb without Blemish, the Pet, if you will, would pay the ultimate price for sin after man disobeyed the Almighty and sinned.”

“Jesus was His Father's pet, and His was the blameless life to be sacrificed as a lamb without spot, or blemish, to die, once, for all, so that we might be redeemed from death!”

“Jesus, also the Author of Life and the Bread of Life, took sin unto Himself, which sin lead unto death, to give sinful man, like us, new life by His personal sacrifice!”

“The Pet Lamb, The Favorite, The Blessed Hope, The Hope of Glory, The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Deliverer, Our Friend, gave his righteous life for our sinful one!”

“The Best of Heaven took the worst of earth so that men may be renewed and reformed -in order to conform to The Consolation - so that our filthy rags may be restored to the newness of life!

“The LOG. leads to Light, and gives Life!”

“Always remember the LOG for He IS ... the Lamb of God!”

Sarah and Clita cheered, and were forever blessed for having learned of The Lamb of God!

Won't you join them?

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