
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Serve, Suffer, Sacrifice - A Statement of Truth

All Christians
By prayer and by practice
Are called to serve the Lord
In Godly fear, and faithfulness

All Christians
 Are called to suffering
Without murmur, or complaint
To take up, and bear their cross ...
In humility

Many Christians
Will also be called
To be the sacrifice 
On the altar
Of the Son of Perdition
Who hates anything
That Jesus Christ loves

Through it all
All faithful Christians
Will deem it a joy
For there is laid up for us
A crown of righteous
For we who endure until ...
The end

The battle is not to the swift
But to him who does all
And stands ... firm ...
Quaking ... but resolute
And ... unshakeable

Christ is our portion
And we will each receive
The hoped for crown
The white linen gown
White stone, new name
And harp, and,
In the earth made new
A plot of land
That no one
Can take away!


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