
Monday, April 20, 2015

Hate You?!

Hate you?! Why should I hate you?
Hate leads to murder
And that price is way too rich for my blood!
And if you don’t believe me
You need have a look at the time of the Flood where
Murder, mayhem, malice and mischief
Greed, graft, and gotcha
Carnage, caprice, and callous cons - no peace
Put pitiful people to call out: "Help!?! Police!!

I am following Jesus, for He said
Do good! It’ll attend you!
Shun evil companions, bad language disdain
And don’t the name of the Father ever, or once, profane!

Sure, I use four-letter language - to bless, not curse!
My words are love, aide, kind, best
Help, balm, cure, able
Everything else, I aver!
I want to be like my Master,
And that is not a chore!
He loves me, and I love Him
And He guides me day by day!
So hating you, my friend
Is not an option in my lore!

H indering, harassing
A ggravating, abusing and
T ormenting
E verybody and anybody to achieve ecstacy!

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