
Monday, April 6, 2015

There's No Need To Glam-Up For God!

People! People!
There is no need to glam-up for God!
Just get your head out of the sand
Where Satan has man
Believing that God’s head
Is a veritable tin can!

He does not need a fan
To cool his skin
When He is thinking
For He is Thought
And His Son bought
Eternity for man
And so we ought to -
Without fear, and having fought
The good fight of Faith -
Press on calmly, and await
Our delivery in state
To enter Heaven
Through His Pearly Gates
To inherit our new estates
Bought without price
Decorated without dice
Not infested with lice
Nor haunted with sin
Camoflaged as an electronic device!

There is no need to glam-up for God!
But, you should make it a point to remember that:

Matter to Our Master if we aspire to

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