
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I Am Free!

I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to serve God ... or not!
I am Free!

I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to trust God ... or not!
I am Free!

I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to honor God ... or not!
I am Free!

I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to love God ... or not!
I am Free!

I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to obey the Law of God ... or not!
I am Free!

I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to pray to God ... or not!
I am Free!

I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose whom I will worship - God ... or not!
I am Free!

I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to live like an unreasoning animal ... or not!
I am Free!

I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to curse God and die ... or not!
I am Free!

BUT ...

Because He who made Me
Made Me Free
And gave unto Me Free Will
To freely give back to Him ... or to spill
I - in my Freedom
Choose - to stand still
And give back to My Maker, Master, Savior, Redeemer, Friend
My Will ... Free
So that I may ... see
And live in hope ... to be
Finally, fully, gloriously refreshed and blessed
At the start of ... Eternity!
Because I Am ... Free
I choose to live by in for ... Him

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