
Monday, July 27, 2015

Do You Love Jesus?


I Love You!
Do You love Me?

I want to Love You!

Can You Love Me?

I believe so! Sure!

Will You Love Me?

I'm feeling My Heart grow!
In the constancy of Your Love
I'm sure My Love for You will show!
I long to belong to You -
God knows!

Do You Love Me?



If You Love Me
Do what I Say!

If You Love Me
Let My Love Hold Sway!

If You Love Me
You won't Me Betray
And You will Walk in Me
Day by day!

If You Love Me
Walk in My Sight!

If You Love Me
Stay in The Fight!

If You Love Me
You will be At Peace both Day and Night
For I hold You in My Heart
Secure and tight!

If You Love Me

If You Love Me
Cling to My Every Word!

If You Love Me
Reject the Wild and the Absurd
And You will Hold in Your Hand The Costliest of Pearls!
... If You Love Me.

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