
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Eternal Life is Assured!

Rejoice and Pray!

Pray every day
In sunshine or in shadow!
Jesus Christ is Lord!
He has The Reward! 
He Conquered Defeated Sin, Death, and Satan - The Fraud!

Cry and Sigh!

Sigh for Sin is a Lie against Your Soul!
Cry to be Freed!
To King Jesus plead!
He is Faithful - He will fill the Repentant Sinner's need.
Live for God and Love the Sinner - Hate the Sin
Show him that Jesus Truly Saves!
Trust God and Stand
On His Holy Word - He is not man!
His Word is Faithful - Rely on Him
He Commands on it that you Boldly Stand!

Victory is Assured!
Crowns are Assured!
White gowns of Righteousness are Assured!
Eternal Life is Assured!
Don't let Satan take yours - It won't help him
He can't be restored!

So ...

With all that's been said
Stand, sit, lie on your bed and
Pray, Reason, Decide and then Stand
Firm ... in Jesus' Faith!
Give Him His Glory!
Give Him Your Praise
Heaven is Coming and
Eternal Glory Days!

Jesus is my Joy - I sing!
His Praise forever I will sing
Forever to His Cross I cling
His Blessing is Mine ... FOREVER!

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