
Saturday, July 4, 2015

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Holy Spirit Is Not A Thought!

He is Person - Personalty!
He Lives! He Breathes!
He Comes! He Goes!
Just like you, and me! - Only Much Better!

Holy Spirit - Comforter
Part of The Godhead - Spirit, Son, Father
Separate, Distinct, Three
Together - Forever
No Beginning - No End
Cooperating to save us -
If we would to God bend!

Almighty God - Father of All
Jesus Christ - Savior of All
Holy Spirit - Comforter of All
Those Living - who Upon God call!

Curse God - you can if you may
Curse Jesus - if that is your way
Curse Holy Spirit - I am sorry to say
No forgiveness - Hell you will pay!

In the Day of Trial
You who in God believe
Holy Spirit is with you - don't Bend! Always Believe
And trust and pray
Holy Spirit is your Companion in The Fray!

God IS Love!
Holy Spirit Comforter!
God be Forever Praised!

Don't grieve The Holy Spirit!
That leaves a Sad Lot
To those who are thereby condemned
To share Satan's Lot
In the Lake of Fire and Brimstone
Eternally separated from God!
That's a fate to be abhorred!
That's a fate I want - NOT!!

Jesus Came and is Coming Again!
Spirit is Truth!
God is on His Throne
But, thankfully, He is not aloof!

Holy Spirit Fills!
Holy Spirit Seals!
Holy Spirit Sorrows!
Accept Him today
For You own no Tomorrows!

Trust God!
He Will Deliver YOU!

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