
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Garment of Perfection!


Jesus Christ's Righteousness

The Perfect Garment 
The Garment of Perfection!

Always In season
Never Out of season
Heavenly Color
Perfect Fit for Eternity
Cannot Grow Old
Cannot Wear Out
Promoted by The Door
Perfect for The Way
Manufactured by God & God Alone
Available Through Jesus Christ Alone
Distributed by The Holy Spirit

Cost of Acquisition:

Free Through Prayer, Confession and Repentance


Daily ... In Humility

Included Accessories:

Pearls of Self Denial
Pockets of Praise
Pins of God's Promises
Bread of Belonging
Holy Hearts of Hope
Heels Headed for Heaven
Hands Helpful and Healing
Songs of Saving Grace


Fits ONLY Those Who Rely On Jesus Christ

Available For Acquisition: 

While It Is Still Day

Look for This Seal of Authenticity:



The Doppelganger's Imitations!

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