
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My God!

My God is The One Not Popular
By The Majority He is not even liked
For it is said that He has too many "Dost saith's!"
And Fun is not on His Breath!

My God is The One Not One Popular
By The Learned He is to be considered as The One Who Is Dead
For it is said that He desires way Too Much Control over
What goes on inside an Individual's head!

My God is The One Not One Popular
By The Pretty People He is considered de trop
For it is said that He sucks the Play out of The Party
And His Way comes over like weight dead!

But ...?

To Me ...?!

My God has no need to be Popular
For, to Me, He is The Lord of My Life
I believe that His Word is Sufficient
And that He will calm, help and claim Me
And take Me Home when He comes to Finish
This Life of Constant Strife!

You do not have to "like" My God
He IS Almighty God whether You like Him or not!
He holds The Reigns of Creation
And The Short Days of Your Life!

My God IS Sufficient and
More than Enough and
Light of The World
He IS The King!
Hallelujah! Praise Him!
Like Him or Not!?!
He IS Coming for HIS World!

 Not Liking Loving Almighty God 


The Difference Between

Glory Now


Gory Later!

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