
Saturday, August 8, 2015

VESPERS: At The End Of The Sabbath - The Trump Card

He wanted Me to doubt God
But He did not know I had a trump card
God had proved Himself to Me
I was not living in an oil drum in a pan yard!

She wanted Me to doubt God
But she didn't know I had a trump card
God had proved Himself to Me
I was not living like a circus pig covered in thick lard!

They wanted Me to doubt God
But they didn't know I had a trump card
I did not personally for Sin have to pay!

Satan wants Me to doubt My God
He does not want Me to know My Trump Card
Jesus, the King of All Creation
Loves Me, and washed My uncleanness away
So that I may join Him in Glory
After setting aside the Body of Decay
And putting on the Robe of the Victorious
And with Him to His Kingdom fly away.

I have The Trump Card
Both Sides show The King - one crucified
And I am shouting for Glory
For the Once Dead King IS Alive
And because of His Resurrection I, too
Immortal, Incorruptible, will to Glory rise!

Satan! Get thee hence!
I Love The King, Jesus, My Lord!

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