
Thursday, September 17, 2015

I Am Blessed! + Prayer - Father, Thank You For My Blessings!

I Am Blessed!
I don't Speak of it
But If God was "Mean" to Me
Everybody would Hear about it!

I Am Blessed!
I don't Speak of it
But If My Pantry was Bare
I would be Saying: "I Always Knew That God Does Not Care!"

I Am Blessed!
I don't Speak of it
But If Illness was in my Door
Everybody would be Hearing The "Why Me?!" Furor!

Amazingly, He Who Blesses Me
Does Not Need My Speech
To Provide Me with My Blessings!
He Provides
Because His Holy Love Abides
And He is My Guardian and My Guide
And The Holy Angels are Round About, and at My Side, and
The Holy Spirit in Me Resides!

I Don't Need to Talk About My Blessings
But I - From Now On - Will
For He who Provides
Comforts Me and Stills
All My Anxiety
About The Cup I Fill
And Reminds Me
Of His Rest and Peace
And Points Me Lovingly To The Day
When I Shall Have
Sweet, Sweet, Sweet Relief!

Blessings: Seen
Blessings: Unseen
Blessings: Known
Blessings: Unknown
Blessings: Unexpected
Blessings: Unappreciated

Father, Thank You for My Blessings
Ever Falling, More and More!
Thank You for My Blessings
Which Reach To, and Beyond, The Golden Shore!
Thank You for My Blessings
Walking through My Life's Open Door!
Thank You, Lord, for My Blessings Received and
The Ones Which Are Held In Heaven's Store!
Oh, Lord, I Am Blessed!
I Love You, Father!

Words of Gratitude - Though Not Required - Bless The Hearer!
Let Us Bless God - Through Jesus Christ - TODAY!!

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