
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Living Night Light

I Read My Bible Last Thing Before Bed
And Sleep like a Baby - Nothing to Dread
My Sleep is Peaceful - No thing can Bring Fright
For The Word of God IS My Living Light!

Sometimes I Go On Grand Journeys
Crossing Great Seas
Sometimes I walk In A Splendid Garden
Among Beautiful Trees!

BUT ...

Ever So Often
There Is A Program Interrupt
And I Must Face Some Challenge
Before I Can Wake Up!

I Have Met The Dreaded Dragon
The Beautiful Snake
Selling for Pittance
The Demonically Glorious Prosperity Stake
To Be Had
If I would Only
Admit That Jesus Christ Is A Fake!

By Denying The Master
I Can Receive
Sin's Pleasures and Rewards

BUT ...

Because I Love Jesus
I Cry: "Jesus Christ Is My Lord!"

AND ...

Before I Can Even Own It
I've said My Prayers ... Yet Again
And I am Gently Snoring
"Thank God for Jesus!

Jesus IS The Light
That Gives To Me My Sight
To Live and Laugh
To Work and Play
To Pray and Worship
And To Not For Sin Pay!
He IS My Redeemer
My Friend To The End
And, With The Blessing Of The Father
I'll Walk With Him To My Life's End!

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