
Sunday, September 6, 2015

Understanding God?! + Prayer: Let My Heart Be Ever Thankful

I Can't Understand My Son - and I gave Birth to him!
So ... How can I Understand Almighty God
Who is as Visible as The Rushing Wind?

I Don't Understand God
And I am Not Even Going to Try
For I Know - with Certainty
That with Wings, I am Going to Fly Away
Far Away
From Struggle
Want, Hate, and Greed and
For I Know The God 
Which Sacrificed His Son for Me
Has to Love Me!
Love Me, Indeed!

So ... When I'm Feeling Used
Abused, Refused
Sad, Neglected
Tired, Unloved
And Needing to Cry
And Sneeze and Wheeze
I Pray, and 
Thank God for His Love, and Mercy
And Beseech Him to Come - Soon - for Me
For I'm Begging: "Lord, Please?!"

Heavenly Father,
Let My Heart Be Ever Thankful
For I Know That You Always Provide!
I Do Not Ever Have To Think Of Or Wonder
What The New Day Will Provide!
You Have Promised - Your Word Is Faithful
To Provide For and Be With Me to My Life's End
So, I Give Unto You My Will and Way, Lord
Lead and Guide - You Are My God and My Friend!
I Love You, Father.

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