
Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Their Father set The Example
His Children Followed The Way
They all Walked After The Devil
Not One of Them Ever from him Strayed!

The Mother Set The Example
Her Children Followed The Way
Boy and Girl Alike Worked in The Flesh Pots
Money and Access to Things Held Sway!

We Looked at Both of These Examples
We Sought to Learn Another Way
And That Is When We Learned of The Godhead
And Sought to Let Them In Our Lives Have The Say!

This Godhead Really Had It Going On
Three Distinct Personalities
Three Distinct Operations
Father, Son and Spirit in Agreement Three!

The Son Called His Father His God!
The Father Called His Son God, Too
And Father and Son Held High The Holy Spirit

"Blaspheme The Holy Spirit 
There Is No Forgiveness for Any Of You!"

The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit
Agree in Everything in Heaven and In Earth
And They All Had Agreed That The Son
Would go to The Earth to Be Birthed!

They Had Agreed Before The Earth's Creation
That The Son was To Be The Willing Sacrifice
And At The Start of The Son's Earthly Ministry
These Three Were Individually - at One and The Same Time - Identified!

Jesus Christ, The Son, Came Out of The Water of Baptism and
As The Holy Spirit Descended on Him - The God Man
His Father's Voice from Heaven Testified:

"This Is My Beloved Son, In Whom I Am Well Pleased!"

After Which He Went To The Desert To Be By Satan Cruelly Tried!

The Son Said He Did What His Father Did - He Worked
The Spirit Says What He Hears
The Message is Marked
The Meaning is Clear
There is No Tangent - No Misinterpretation to Fear!

These Three are Cooperation Epitomized
These Three Cooperate for Mankind by Them To Be Justified, and 
In The Great Day Glorified
These Three Do All To Help Man To Answer The Master's Call
These Three By Jesus' Death Did All To Heal The Breach Created By Adam's Fall!

The Example The Three Set is The Example
Of What Right Through Light Can Achieve
The Father Commanded and
The Son did Obey
And The Holy Spirit Comforted Him On The Way!

The Son Was Sacrificed
So That Man to His Father May Be Reconciled!
At The Appointed Time That Son Did Arise and
He Went Back To The Father
But Sent Down The Holy Ghost
To Guide His Believing Children
Whom He'd Promised Never To Leave Standing
Directionless and Alone, Bereft and Lost!

The Son Before The Father
Petitions For Our Peace
Stating Quite Clearly:

"Father, I Paid Their Price!"
Let Them to Us Come Home! 
Please Grant The Release!"

I Make These Points To Say This:

Any Example IS An Example
And It Will Be Followed - Even Slavishly - By Somebody!
Therefore, Since, As Christians
We Are The Head - Not The Tail
Let Us Not Set Any Old Kind of Example
Let Us Not Set A Bad Example
Let Us Not Set The Example Misconstrued
Let Us Not Set The Example Subject to Interpretation!

Let Us Set The Example of The Exemplar!
Let Us Set The Example of The Holy - Not The Profane!
Let Us Let Our Example Be Worthy of Our Christian Calling!
Let Us Shine An Exemplary Light In The Darkness, Again And Again!

Let Us Pray That Our Good Example 
Will Cause Someone To Call Jesus Christ Blessed
Encourage Them to Sin and Iniquity Confess
To From This World's Follies Regress
To Answer The Loving Master's Behest
And Pass From Death to Life
After This Life's Pass Fail Test!

Let Us By Our Good Example 
Encourage A Sinner to Come Home!
The Master - Himself - Will Do The Rest
For He Who Loves Us Truly
Truly Loves Us The Best!

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