
Saturday, October 24, 2015

He Called Me By Love + Prayer: Lead Me Home

On The Day that I Finally Acknowledged
That I Needed Jesus' Love
Was The Moment that I Knew that
He could be Depended Upon for Eternal Love.

I did not have to be Official
I did not have to Raise a Flag
All I did was to Declare:

"Lord, You are My Shepherd!"

And Ask

"Will You Bless Me, My Lord King?"

The King of Love - Thou Prince of Peace
Oh, Holy One
Who Brings Relief
Accept this Day
My Humble Pray
And Lead Me on to The Home You Have Prepared:

I Love You, Lord!
I'm Glad I Found
My Way to You
Who Called to Me in Love!

I Honor, Bless, and Your Name I Confess
I Need You, Lord -
Help Me Pass this Life's Cruel Test!

Guide Me Through Troubled Waters
Lead Me Over Stormed-tossed Seas
Lead Me Through The Dark Shadows
That Fair Stalk Terrorize Me!

And, when My Day is Over
And Life as Known is Past
Lead Me with The Brethren
Away from What Is The Past
Into The Kingdom
Where Peace is for The Blessed!
Lead Me, My Savior, to Your Mansions of Rest
To What Is True and Good and Holy, and
What Will Eternally Last.

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