
Sunday, October 25, 2015

One Church!?!

The Church is Poor in Pocket
The Church is Poor in Numerical Strength
The Church is Poor in Possessions
And what Little The Church has
Is in Constant Prayer Spent!

That Church is Rich in Pocket
That Church is Rich in Numerical Strength
That Church is Rich in Possessions
And whatever That Church has
Is on Constant Personal-empowerment Spent!

The Churches Believe in The Master
The Churches Pray unto The Living God
The Churches Believe in God's Promises
Of The Church getting its True and Just Reward!

One Church Preaches The Gospel
One Church Preaches A Gospel for Reward
One Church Teaches Love of God With Emotion
One Church Teaches The God of Emotion with Love!

One Church has for a Mission 
Gather The Masses By The Learned Word
One Church has for a Mission 
Gather The Masses By The True and Living Word!

One Church Gladly Gloats of Its Temporal Glories
One Church Gladly Gives Holy Praise to Its Eternal God
One Church Runs to and fro Gathering Rusting Trophies
One Church Runs Trusting To God From The World!

One Church!
Same God!
Similar Worship!
Same Prayers!
Similar Church!
Different Care!
One Church!
Same Mission!
Different Destination!

"Lord, There Is Something Seriously Wrong Here!"

We who Believe in God for Salvation
We who Believe in Jesus Christ and The Living Word
We who Believe in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit
Must Take Stock of what That One Church Really Says!

The True and Living God of The Holy Bible
The Author and Finisher of Our Faith
Is The Same Yesterday, Today and Forever
And Does Nothing To Be Popular Nor To People Scare!

"Repent and Be Baptized!" is a Constant!
Open The Door! 'I AM Knocking!" is a Constant, too!
And ... "Come unto Me and Rest from All Your Labors!"
Is Not Something That Is Held Back From The Seeking Few!

One Church has Itself A Stated Mission
One Church has Itself A Stated Goal
One Church - by A Name - is A Church, and
One Church IS The Church Of The Holy Living Eternal Father God!

No Stated Demonication
Registered Denomination nor
Hallowed Designation
Holds Any Water With Our Almighty God!
A Heart for Jesus Christ
A Life Divorced from Carnality and Vice
A Life Turned Toward Eternal Life
Is What Will The Holy God Suffice!

A Prepared Church 
The Holy One!
A Holy People - Not A Holy Building of Holey People!

A Heavenly Home
The Holy One 
The Wholly-Prepared Church of The Holy Bible!

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