
Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Relationship

We Met
I was Leery ... but Looking
My Needs were Many
His Needs were Few
If I Will Agree to be Solely His
If I Will Bow to His Will
If I Will Let him My Fickle Heart Fill
I Will Be for This Life Set!

The World Will Be My Oyster!
Money Will be My Pet!
I Must Ask No Questions!
I Must Not Think of Tomorrow
Nor Utter Words of Yesterday and Regrets!
Today Is Our Day!

His Name is Stan
He Plays Rock n' Roll in a Jazz Band
He Plays Hard
He Whispers Sweet and 
He Touches Low!

The Two-Step Is his Favorite Dance
Bait and Switch Is His Favorite Cologne
Mash Up & Buy-Back Is His Favorite Ring Tone, and
Smoke & Mirrors Is The Home Screen Theme On his Gold Cell Phone!

In his World Whatever Feels Good
Is Locked Down, and Marked: "GO!"

"Today is The Only Day!"
And "To Play Is To Live!"
Are his Favorite Things to Say - He Seriously Excites Me!

BUT ...

He is Craven and Cruel
And Fascinating
With Dark and Sharp Edges
Volatile and
Sweet and
Menacing and
Enticing ... Enthralling
Exposing Wants from Where I Don't Know
Revealing Hungers I Fear To Fill
Putting Me In Dangers
Where I Could Get Killed
And Laughing, Laughing
When Dread My Heart Fills!

He is Wicked!
He Is Wild!
He Will Not Be Denied!

Last Night I Broke Down and ... I Cried
For He Finally Showed himself To Be 
Evil ... Personified!

YET ...

I Feel ...
I Feel ... LUST!

I Hate him ... But ...
I Need to Get Away from him ... But ...

What Do I Do?
Where Do I Go?
Who Do I Turn To ... to ... ?

My Heart Is Seeking
A Place To Call Home
A Love That It Can Cherish
My Heart to The Heart
Together - ALONE!

Time Marched On ...

And ...!?!

We Meet
I Am Calm ... but
I am Leery ... but Still Looking
My Needs are So Very Many
His Needs are So Few
If I Will Agree to be Solely His
If I Will Give My Will to Him
If I Will Walk Faithfully In His Way
Along The Marked Straight and Narrow Pathway
If I Will Let Him My Hurting Heart Heal
If I Will Let Him My Troubled Soul Make Still
If I Will Believe His Truth and Let It Fill
Me With Peace and Rest to My Fill
I Will Be for Eternal Life Set
And I Will Have Never A Moment's Regret!


Too Good To Be True?!


What Did I Have To Lose?

Okay ...

I'll Give Him A Chance ...

We Walked In a Beautiful Garden
We Held Hands and Gently Walked Along
He Spoke of A Life Filled With Sacrifice
But Said that With Him I Will Never Be Alone!

He Spoke of The Longing In His Heart
To See Me At Peace in His Rest
I said: "I Have Known Many Regrets!
How Come You Can Speak of Blessed Rest!"

He Told of The Years He Had Been Pursuing
Me As I Roamed From Pillar To Post
Looking, Longing, for A Resting Place
But Ignoring Him Because of His Homely Face!

He Told Me His Name - It was So Grand
Jesus Immanuel Prince Holy Lord
His Father Is Of The Ancient Days
His Kingdom Is Glorious
And He Said He Sought Me Out
For He Believes We Could Will Be
In One Accord!

We Sat In The Shade of a Grand Cedar
A Crystal Stream of Water Running By
The Gentle Wind Sung
Of Angels' Wings One Could Hear a Hum
And He Proceeded To Give Me Full Disclosure
Not One Thing Was Left Out Of The Sum!

I Will have a Mansion Home In His Paradise
I Will be a Princess of The Realm
I Will have Guardianship by "Excellent Angels" and
I Will Wear White Linen Robes and A Gold Crown!

Oh, My!!

One Day He Gave Me A Beautifully Bound Book
And He Read Me The Most Amazing Poetry
From a Segment Called Solomon's Song.

I Am His Rose of Sharon
And His Banner Over Me Is Love!
I Am His Love and
His Fair One!

My Heart Is Full for
I Am Beloved and
I Am Glad!

BUT ...

Before I Will Enjoy The Heavenly Pleasures:

I Must Walk Worthy of His Undying Love For Me
I Must Repent of All My Wicked Yesterdays
I Must Believe That He Is True To His Living Word
I Must Have Faith That He Unwaveringly Loves Me
I Must Turn My Back on The Vanities and The Vexatious Things of Earth
I Must Walk Holy - His Name IS Holy!
I Must Study To Show Myself Approved
I Must Have Faith
I Must Not Trust In The Things That I Can See
I Must Trust Him and In Him Even When I Don't See Him, and
I Must Set Aside The Titillating Trifles Offered By Stan The Old Fraud!


How Did He Know Stan?!

Are You God?!

He Smiled ...

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