
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Think Grace and ... Thank Mercy!!

The Plan Has a name
Salvation The Fame
The Lord Ever Glorious
Accepts all even The Notorious!

Hear The Glad Story
Listen Well and Accept
That God is Ever Faithful
More Than Even We See or Can Ever Expect!

Repent of All Sin - Don't Hold 
To Self Please Don't Pin
Hopes, Trusts and Aspirations or
We'll Satan's Trap Fall Right In!

Confess Sin and Be Saved
Jesus Christ Our Way Paved
With The Blood of His Sacrifice
So The Father Will Accept All Christian Believers True!

Be Baptized! Be Made Anew!
Away With Flesh! Old Life Eschew!
Think Grace and Thank Mercy for
Blessings From God on All Faithful Believers True!

Walk By Faith in New Sight
On The Glory Road of God's Light
Be Faithful! Be Faithful!
Jesus Christ Is Returning To Take To His Home 
The Faithful Departed and All Living Believers True!

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