
Saturday, November 14, 2015


Some people walk a mile in shoes and
Some people can't walk!

Some people cry foul at going to work in the rain and
Some people would die for a fowl, and work, and rain!

Some people give a helping hand and
Some people  just wash their hands!

Some people see with their eyes and
Some people see with their hearts!

Some people have hearts for God and
Some people have Godless hearts!

Some people Try and
Some people are Tried!

Some people love hate and
Some people hate love!

Some people stink and grow rich and
Some people richly grow despite the stink!

AND ...

Some people kill cockroaches while
Some people behave like cockroaches!


Some people who love Jesus Christ BUT
Jesus Christ loves all people!

Some people who will be killed for Jesus Christ BUT
Jesus Christ was killed for all people!

Some people who will be saved by Jesus Christ BUT
Jesus Christ can save all people!

Some people who will meet Jesus Christ in Peace BUT
Jesus Christ is Peace for all People!

Some people will Trust Jesus Christ and won't personally pay for Sin BUT
Jesus Christ will cause all people who don't Trust Him to Pay for Their Own Sin!

Some people who are expecting Jesus Christ to Return for them in all His Glory BUT
Jesus Christ's Return for some people will be unexpectedly gory!

Some People Act Good
Some People Act Badly, and
Some People Act Every Day
As if Crime and Sinning IS Truly The Way to Play!

BUT ...

There is The Message Which Must be Told!

The Winds of Strife
Are Blowing soon Hot to Bold
And Those without
The Covenant of Peace
Will Suffer Lost when
The Winds be Fully Released 
Plainly Exposing The Dreadful Beast!

The Holy Spirit Is Calling TODAY!!
Answer! Answer!
Please Don't Delay!
Now is The Accepted Time!
Fight Sin - Get Jesus Christ!
He Will Save Save You for 
He Is Kind and Divine!

Salvation IS Free
For You and for Me
Bought and Paid for by Eternal Love
It Fits Each Soul like 
A Custom-made Glove!


Free Insurance
Eternal Damnation


Grace Be Unto You
One Salvation Way, Suite #JESUS
Prayer & Supplication
#Confession, #Repentance

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