
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Well ... Work: A Servant Unto God

A Christian is a Servant
A Servant unto God
His Task is to Seek After - and Do - The Will of The Master
And not Butt About Seeking Fleeting Reward!

Serving is not given unto Slacking
Serving is not Slaving, My Friend
Serving is a Blessed Duty
Provisioned with Care and Great Love from The Eternal Friend!

Our Duty is Not That which is Man-made
Which speaks of a Grudging Display
Our Duty is such as behooves One
Constant and instant in Prayer.

Let us not seek to Shirk Duty
Hoping Someone Else will do The Work
Our Task is Appointed -  Accept It!
Get Up Now, and let us Get To Our Work!

Think not of Rewards and Accolades
Think Honorable Service unto Rest
For The Day is Soon Coming
When All God's Faithful Servants
Will Receive The Reward of The Home of The Blessed!

Don't be an Unfaithful Servant
Given unto Greed
For there is None who Work for King Jesus
Whom he does not Daily Feed!

Seek No Reward at This Juncture
Seek not Earthly Accolades
Seek not Treasure in Earthen Vessels
Which Grow Putrid with Rust and Decay!

God Himself is The Rewarder of All Men
Each According to His Own Works
There are No Perks for Extra Service
There are No Rewards for Dishonest Jerks!

Work ...  for The Night is Coming
When All Who Work Will Rest
Repent of Known Sin
Confession is To The King
Who knows, Sees and Is In Everything!




One Without The Other

Ain't Never Gonna Work!


Faith and Work
 Must Walk Side By Side
The One Who Carries The Worker
Will In The Faithful Worker Abide!

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