
Sunday, December 6, 2015

By God's Grace I Will Hold On To My Jesus!

I am Weak ... BUT I Try!
I am Weak ... AND I Cry!
I am Weak ... I Won't Lie
I Will Hold On To My Jesus!

It is Easy To Lie!
It is Very Easy To Cry!
It is Very, Very Easy To Let Go
Of The Hand You Can't See
Fall Off The Path Where You Fell and Bruised The Knee
Than To Walk On Knowing What You Are Doing Is
To Unbelievers Straight-up Suicidal Insanity!

Where Are You Going?
I Don't Know!

Why Are You Going?
God Told Me To Go!

How Are You Getting There?
God Will Make The Way!

Are You Insane?
Probably So! But God Knows!

You Should Be In Chains!
You Must Be Sick In Your Head!
You Ain't Got No Brains!
You Following A Path - Unmarked
To A Destination
Stated By A Man 
Who Doesn't Have A Laugh?!?!

Yes ... I know
That's How You Feel!
BUT -  To Me - His Word Is Real!
AND ... You Are Wrong!
He Laughs! He Cries!
Hurts! Helps! Heals!
He Even Sings Songs!
He Is My Father!
He Received Retrieved Me In Love!
He Has Prepared For Me - By Covenant -
A Home Lasting Eternity-Long 
All I Have To Do
Is - By Faith - Trust Him
Work - Not Play - Along!

Calloused Hands!
Burning Eyes!
Bruised Knees!
Torn-Out Toe-nails!
Dried-Out Bone ... BUT
Dewy-Spirit Is My Chosen Lot!

I am Walking - I Believe In Him!
Win or Lose By Man - I Gain In Him!
It Is My Choice - I Have Made It!
I Am Following Jesus Christ, My King!

Yes! Yes!
I Am Weak - In Him I Am Strong!
The Day Is Coming - It Won't Be Long
When My Sorrows
My Griefs
Will To Laughter Turn!
You May Deny Me What I Earthly Earn!
You May My Contributions To Humanity Spurn!
Thank God Almighty
Jesus Christ Has Sanctified To For Himself
This Earth-Grown Trembling Worm!

Lord, Please Help Me Stay The Course!!

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