
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Look Outs Look Out!!

A Christian is A Look Out
Who Looks Up
Looks Around
To Help His Brother Sister
Who May Have Fallen Down!

A Christian Does Not Focus On Self
He Doesn't Seek To Satisfy
His Known Baser Instinct for
He On Jesus Christ Solely Relies!

If You Are One Called Christian
You Are Looking At Self
Seeking To Make An Altar Of Needs
Praying To The Mirror On "The Self-Shelf"
Step Back
Think Hard
Lift Down The Mirror  - You Don't Need It
Take It To Your "Prayer Yard"
Belabor It
Until It Is Nothing More
Than Teeny Tiny Tiny Tiny Shards!

Keeping A Mirror

That Does Not 

Evoke An Actionable Response


Just Plain Folly!

Be Sensible!

Check Your Manufacturer!

Investigate His Production Process


Get The True and Honest Mirror!

Get The King James Holy Bible!

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