
Sunday, December 20, 2015

PRAYER: Help Me To Do Thy Will!

 Dear Lord,
Please Cause to Rise Up In Me
The Spirit of Revulsion!
For The Unclean
The Unholy
The Putrid
The Profane
The Petty
The Vain
The Vexatious!

Help Me Look Only To You
From Whom My Help Comes!

Help Me Be Contented With My Lot
Constant In My Faith
Caring For The Downtrodden
Ever Calm in The Face of Bitter Adversity!

Help Me To Be
Benevolent As The Holy Spirit Calls
and a
Blessing - Just Because
Set-apart For Your Service
Savoring The Sanctified
Denying The Salacious
Lifting Up The Fallen
Lowering Self's Flag
Honoring The Holy!

Grant Me Grace To Stand
Even When I Can't
The Knowledge To Know
That The Light "No!" Answer 
Jesus Christ 
Is Not To Be Equated With 
The Heavy "Yes!" Answer from Fallen Man!

Help Me To Do Thy Will When I Would Sooner
Do As Burdensome-Self Wills!

May Your Mercy Perfume My Path
Whilst Life Lasts, and On To Glory!

Lord, I am Your Child
I am Looking To Receive My Inheritance
In The Fullness Of Your Time -
Keep Me Faithful!

I Honor You, Lord, and I Love You!

Help Me To Forever Praise and Worship You
For You Are My God!

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