
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Forever Word Of The Lord!

I Walked in  Pretty Meadow
Serene ...

(Tap! Tap!)


You said: "... Serene!"

Well,  I Though it was Serene
Until a Cool Breeze Blew
And I Heard A Voice or
More Probably, Two, say:

"The Word Of The Lord!"

"Man Is As Grass!"

Come On!


Okay, So You "Heard" a Couple Voices!
So, Who Were They?

That's Just It!! I Don't Know!
Anyway, I Continued Walking, Thinking My Mind Was Playing Tricks On Me When I Heard:

"Lasts Forever! "

I Paused ...

And Then I Heard:

" Withers and Dies! "

Okay ...

I Stopped to Listen But I Could See No One Soul About!
Then I Heard It Again ...  PLAINLY!!

Okay ...

I Refused To Go Any Further,  And That Is When I Heard It Plainly:

"The Word of The Lord 
Lasts Forever!"

And,  Then ...

"Man Is As Grass 
Which Withers and Dies!"

So, Who Said Those Words?

That's Just It!  I Still Don't Know!!
Anyway, I Finally Roused Moved, And I Returned Home.

That Evening, I Kept Hearing Those Words Being Constantly Repeated In My Mind.

Those Words Struck A Cord, and I Had To Search Them Out, And I Found Them In Isaiah Chapter 40!

I Read That Chapter, and I Thought On The Significance Of Those Words:

Man Is Minute!
God IS Mighty!
Man Will Pass Away
But God Has No Need Of A Nightie!

Grass Is Green!
Healthy It Seems
Until The Sun Blasts
And Bakes It Dry As Dried Beans!

Man Is As That Grass and
Cannot Do For Himself!
Deny Him The Water Of The Spirit, and
He Becomes Dry and Dead

BUT ...

If The Grass Has The Dew Of Refreshing
The Water Of The Word
For Cleansing And Washing
The Dirt Of The Sin Life Is Carried Away
The Hot Sun Of Chastisement Won't Cause The Lush Grass 
To Dry Off and Disappear!

The Word Of The Lord
Which Lasts Forever
Is Food For The Man
Who Alone Can Stand Never!

Man Must Set Aside Self!
All Alone He Ultimately Returns To Dust
Having Ingested and Expressed The Eternal Word
He Can Call Satan's Bluff
At The End
Be Made New
Not Be Made Into Added Fuel
In The Fire With The Devil and His Crew!


The Word 


The Living God


The Living God



To Deliver Both Me and YOU!

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