
Thursday, December 24, 2015

THE HOLY CITY: Bogus "Tickets" On Sale!

"... Going To The City
Every and Anybody Is Welcome ...
As Long As You Know "The Name!"

Whose Name!?!

His Name!
Do You Have Your Ticket?!

Sure Do!!
Actually I Have Two Tickets!

Two Tickets??!!??
Lord, Have Mercy!

I have One Marked
"Justice!" and One Marked 

Which One Are You Going To Use?

I'll Just Travel Along For A While and See Which Tickets Others Are Using!

Oh,  Dear,  Oh,  Dear!
Not Good,  Not Good!

What Do You Mean?!

Didn't You Read The Commitment Letter?!

What Commitment Letter?!

The One That Enclosed The Tickets!

These Tickets Had No Letter Attached!


I Bought These Tickets From A Scalper On The Corner of Broadway &  Sweet-life!

Lord, Have Mercy!
Oh, Lord, Have Mercy!

Why Are You Saying That?!

Because The Tickets Are Free For All Who Will Accept Them
They Are Available By Open Invitation
Upon Request!

You're Kidding, Right?!?

No! No!
I Am Serious!

Look, I Had Some Extra Money and I Heard There Was A Big Exclusive Party at Kingdom Come Coming Up but That Tickets Were Scarce and Going at a Premium!

I Wanted In, So I Went To The Man With The Fast Van Who Can Get A Man ...  ANYTHING!!! ...  For The Right Price!!

I Really, Really, Wanted In!

I was Willing to Pay Top Dollar but It Cost Me Much More Than I Anticipated! Nevertheless, I Got The Goods!

Oh,  Dear,  Oh,  Dear!

What's Wrong With You?!

You Can't Go Into The City!

Why Not!?!?

What Is The Name of The City?

City Of Heve!

Sweet Jesus!!

What Is The Name Of The Prince Who Is Being Celebrated?

The Scalper Told Me To Use The Code Name Manny and That Will Open Doors!

Doors To Damnation!

Wait A Minute!
Why Did You Say That?

Did Van Man Tell You Of The Clothing Restrictions?

What Restrictions?!?

I Paid For My Ticket and I Will Wear What I Want!
It's Not As Though We Are Going To See The King,  You Know!

Oh, Dear,  Oh, Fear! 


Not Good! Not Good! 

Listen To Me, Please! 
You Still Have Time
Until The Day Of Appointment
To Meet The King Divine! 

What Are You Saying?! 

The "Party" You Wanted In On
Is Permanent!
All Identification Is Personally Checked In The Lamb's Book
You Must R.S.V.P.
YOU Must Commit To The Way for
THAT IS The Only Method
If You Don't Want to Personally Pay! 

Personally Pay For What?! 

I Personally Paid For My Own Ticket! 
I Personally Paid My Own Entrance Fee
Maybe Not On The Prescribed Channel
But That's How It's Done
By Trippers,  Rockers and Rollers Like Me! 

Not The Way!  
Not The Way! 
Therein Is Sin
Gross Decay! 

Come On! 
It's Just A Party! 
You Get Your Mark
On Your Head or Your Hand, and
You Dance and You Drink
And See At The End Where You Land!! 

Partay,  Dude! 

No!  No! No! 
This One Won't Go
To The Over-comers Banquet 
After The Opening
Of The Twelve Gates
Won't Sit At The Welcome Table
Won't Get To Stroll Gold Street
Won't Drink Of Crystal Waters
From The River Of Life
Won't Glorious Angels Meet
From The Twelve-Fruit Tree Won't Eat
Won't See The Twelve-Jewel Building Foundation 
Won't The Saved Of All Earth Meet
Won't See The King Of Creation 
That King Melchizedek
Nor King Solomon 
King David
Elijah The Prophet
Definitely Won't Touch The King Of Love's Feet! 
Won't Get A Gold Harp
Nor A New Name
Won't Get The Saints Over-comers' Gold Crown
Won't Get To Be Made Immortal
Won't Get To Sing The Redemption Song 
Won't Get To See God As He Sees Us!!
Won't Get To Live In Heaven
Won't Get To See
Heaven and Earth Made New!



I'm Just Reciting What My PERSONAL INVITATION LETTER Says I Will Receive But YOU Won't! 

No Fair!! 

Know Fear!! 

Yes,  I Know ... I Am Feeling ... 
Something Ain't Right Here! 

You're Right! 

But ...

But, What?! 

My Tickets ... 

Did You Read The Plain Print ... 

You Mean The Fine Print!! 

Hmmm ...
But ...  But! 

Stop Butting,  and Brace Yourself!! 

But It's Just Hot Tickets For The Underground Rave!  

Wrong!  Wrong! 
Dead Wrong! 

Dead?!? Wrong!!??

No Return! 
No Wake Up! 
Never See Son Light!
Never Get Wings! 
Never Attend Worship! 
Never Pray Before The Eternal King! 
Never Talk To The Redeemed Of All Ages! 
Never Have The Glorious King For A Personal Guide! 
Never Wing To Worlds Unknown, Friend! 
Never Know What Is Peace That Abides! 
Never Rest!
Never Rest In Peace And Safety
Protected From Sin, Death and Decay!
Never Knowing What It Cost The Host 
Of The Biggest Celebration in The Eternal Kingdom
To Provide Everlasting Life
For Those Who Caused Him To Die!! 

Enough Already!!! 
I Ain't Never Killed Nobody Farless A King! 

You Did! 

Wait  Minute ... Just A Minute ... 
I Am Confused!! 

All I WANTED Was To Go To A Hot Party
But What You Are Describing Is ... 
Seriously Is ... 
... Different
Like in Life And ... 

Eternal Death 
For All Those Without Life Tickets
Written In Blood
Blessed By Truth
Stamped By The Word
Sealed In The Promises Of God
Delivered By Hope
Accepted In Faith!! 

Help Me. 

Lord Jesus, Help Me!

Salvation Has Been Brought Down! 


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