
Monday, January 25, 2016

Learning Along The Way + Prayer: Help Me, Lord!

In This My Life's Journey
I Have Learned Along The Way
That My God Has A Sense Of Humor
And That He Responds
No Matter What Unbelievers 
Uncharitably Say!

My God Cares For Me!
He Listens Intently To My Requests
And After All My Fits and Starts
He Gives To Me Of His Best!


Oh,  Lord
Help Me To Trust You More
For You Give The Best Gifts 
Which Are Of Heaven's Stores!

There Have Been So Many Times
When My Requests To You
Have Been Denied
I Have Learned My Lesson True
And I Make My Request
Having Bent My Will To Honor You!

I Do Seek You True!
I Seek A Positive Answer From You!
Please Know That I Do Not Ask Amiss
I Desire To Receive Your Promised Bliss!

Help Me, Lord
Not To Weigh My Trust In You
Help Me To Faithfully Stand
In Front Of You
Not Fearfully
Behind Sinful, Mortal, Man!

Help Me, Lord
To Rest Secure 
In Jesus Christ's Faith
While I Am Awaiting 
The Sure Answers From 
Your Throne Of Grace!

I Love You, My Father.


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