
Monday, February 15, 2016

Enduring Unto The End!

I AM A Speed Racer
I Always Tear Up The Track!
There Isn't A fellow In The Class To Beat Me
Those Other Racers Do Not Know Jack!

One Day ...

The Word came from The Mount Of Endurance That
Volunteers were Needed to Run The Long Race
If Any of The Speed Runners Were Willing 
Training Would be Available After The Try-Outs!

I was The Boss when it Came to Running!
I was Going to Scrape Up The Floor at The Trials
On The Given Day!
I was Going to be The Champion
I was Not Going To With Those Untalented Plebes Play!

I was First in the 100 meters!
I was First in the 400 meters!
I was First In the 800 meters!
I was First in the 1500 meters!
I was FIRST in the 3000 meters
I AM Always FIRST!

Day Two of The Try-Outs Started ...

5000 meters was Hard - I placed Second
10000 meters was Harder - I placed Third
At least I had Three of The Wins IF if I was in The Decathlon!
I AM The Winner!
I will Win This Whole Thing!

Big Words from He Who Knows Not
What's around The Corner!

Big Words from He Who Thinks 
He Knows The Final Score!

Big Words from He Who Is 
Facing Elimination
If He Does Not Put Self At The Garbage Chute Door!

I Got Me A Surprise!
The Head of The Trials
Gave Me The Surprise!
I Am Entered for The Decathlon!


I Lived by My Speed!
I Make Other Runners Wheeze!
I Bring Other Runners
To Their Knobbly Wobbly Knees!

I Run Other Runners Into The Ground
I Will Do It Again E'er Long!


110 meter Hurdles!
High Jump!
Long Jump!
Pole Vault!
I Hurt So Badly
I Felt Like An Old Frump!

Shot Put!
Discus Throw!
Javelin Throw!
Lord Jesus, Help Me!
I Can Not Take Anymore!


Lord God Almighty
This Cannot Be True!
These Mad People Want Me
To Run A Full Marathon
On This Day Two, Too!

What Do They Think That I Am Made Of?
Even I Know That A Marathon
Is Not Run Fast!

Long Distance!
Hill Climb!
Slippery Slope!
I Even Had To Run Around
A Big-Horned Rough Goat
Who Seemed To Really Like Me -
He's Running Toward Me Again!

Lord Jesus, Have Mercy
Is All That I Have The Energy To Pray!

I Am Out Of This Race!
I Cannot Go On!
I Have No Inner Resources!
My Resistance Is All Gone!

I Ran The Race
As If It Was A Sprint of Mine
That Long Distance
Calls For Time
Energy Reserves
Systems For Performing
Against Unexpected Inclines
AND Gully Washers
You Know? The Unexpected Deluge
Of Cold Rain
Bramble Bushes Grabbing 
Ripping Flesh and Causing Pain
Evil Goats
With Taste Buds
For Eating The Overconfident
Runner's Pants
Leaving Said Puffed-Up Runner
Calling For His Mummy
In A Seriously Off-key Note!

I Returned To The Point of Starting
Upset at The Folly
At Self The Race Leading!

I Spoke As A New Man
Repentant Of Old Ways!
I Asked For Opportunity
To Run For The Home In The Clouds
I Was Told That
I Could Run The Race
To Win
My Heart To The King
Must Be Bowed Down!

I Must Not Be Prideful!
I Must Not Pout!
I Must Humble My Self!
I Must Follow The Directions
That The King Himself Handed Out!

I Must Internalize The Teachings!
The Teachings Must Guide Me On The Way!
I Must Repair Often To The King The Master
I Must To The Heavenly Father Constantly Pray!

I Must Practice Self-Denial!
I Must Yearn For The Win
Which Has Already Been Won
For Those Who 
To The Living Almighty God 
Reverently Bow Down!

I Must Resist The Damned Devil
Which The Master Himself Did Defeat
I Must Resist and Resist
For That Devil Is A Murderous Cheat
Who Has Not Compunction
About Creating Cross Winds
To Bring Storms Out Of Quiet
And Marauders Who Are Friends Turned About!

I Must Start The Day With The Master!
I Must Make The Master Throughout The Day Mine!
I Must Let The Holy Spirit Guide and Lead Me
No Matter Where The Self Would Me Incline!
I Must - Even When I Fall Down -
Acknowledge Call God
My Lord Divine
And Know
A Guardian Angel - Excelling In Strength
Is Protecting This Body of Mine!

And ...

Even When That Slithering Wild Rough Goat
Has Trampled Kicked Bitten Butted Me 
Where It Truly Hurts The Most
I Must Resist
Resist Him In The Name Of The King The Master
And Sing
Sing for Jesus
Even If All I Have Is 
Piercing High Quiet Low Pained Inaudible Notes!

Time Has Passed Is Passing!
I Am Running For The Win
In The Championship Race!
I Am Running How The King The Master Stipulated!
I Am Running With Mercy By Grace
For I Do Not This Race Alone Face!

The Race Is Ongoing!
I Must Run With Patience
I Am Running One Day At A Time!

I Am Running A Race Of Resistance
The Pacer Is My God - The Great God - The Divine!

I May Exit My Race By My Death
Before The Race Itself Does End
I Know That I Will Win The Gold Crown
Jesus Christ - The King The Master
Is Carrying Me 
Is Carrying Me To Victory
For My Home In Glory On This Depends!

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