
Thursday, February 25, 2016

GOD'S JUSTICE & MERCY: Calls For Confession & Repentance

Truth to Tell - I was in a Bit of a Pickle
I Committed Sin
I was Headed for Hell
No "If..."
No "And..."
No "But ..."
My Life was Straight-Up
Living in Duck's Guts!

God Has Very Specific Sentencing Guidelines:

You Sin! - You Die!

I Didn't Know How
To Extricate Myself!
I Knew - For A Fact
That I was Going To Die
For The God of Heaven
Does Not Cannot Tell Lies!

I Tried To See If
I Could Give God A Little "Berry!"

You Know:

A Little Quid Pro Quo
(Something for Something)

I Should have Known Better
That This God Was The God Of The Letter
And That His Answer Would Be To Me A Plain:


I Had Been Around Town
A Time or Two
And So I Knew One or Two People, Too!
I Explained My Plight
I Even Got Into A Fight
I Found Myself Facing 

I Don't Know
From Whence The Thought Came
But I Uttered A Prayer
Learned From Me Old Gran' Mummy:

"Lord, I Know You Up There
I'm Living In Sin Down Here
Have Mercy - Send Me Some
Even If It's Worth 
Only An Old Bent Penny!"

Now, If I Remember True
Old Gran' Always Tell Trut'
And I Know That She Never Led Me Astray!

I Chose My Own Lot
And Look At What I Got
A Runny Nose
And A Stomach Full of Leaden 
Butterfly Knots!

Talk To Me!
I'm Finally Ready To Listen -
Hear My Plea!
I Have Nothing Else To Lose
No One Else To Whom I May Turn!
My Ball Ran Out of String
My Bees Lack Honey -
All They Have Left Is Bare Sting
And My Mind Is A Whirl
And Even My Hair
Straight and Curly Got Tight-up Curls!

People Must Understand 
That My Situation Was Desperate
And I Would Have Done Anything
To Get The God To Cooperate
Almighty God That He Is
Was Having None Of My Fizz!
He Wanted Me
He Was Finally Getting Me -
I Was Down On My Knees!

Now That I Had God's Attention
God Had My Full Attention
God's Truth Came Flooding Into My Soul:

God Is The God Of Justice!
God's Justice Demands Payment For Sin!
Sin Is The Transgression Of God's Law!
God Is The God Of Mercy!
(Sparing Me From Receiving What I Deserve!!)

God's Only Beloved Begotten Son Died ... TO PAY
For My Sin ...!
God's Mercy Gives Me Grace!
(Gifting Me With What I Don't Deserve!)

God Loves Me - A Raw-Mouthed Sinner!
(The Stench and Mark Of Sin Are Upon Me)

God Hates Sin!
(The Line That Separates The Holy and The Human!
(The Thing That Makes Us Profane!)

AND ...

All I Need To Do
To Be Accepted Into Fellowship With The Living God
To Confess My Sin
To Repent For Having Committed My Sin 
To A Change Of 


I am Sorry!
I am Sorry For What I Did Today Yesterday!
I am Sorry for The Way I Walked
For My Associating With The Bad Company
With Whom I Happily Played!

I Repent of The Past
My Actions
My Words
My Deeds
And, Lord
If You Would Please Heal Me
I Will Serve You
In Whatever Capacity You Need Me!
Make Me Anew
I am Beseeching You, Lord
Clean Me

I am Through Talking "I Love You!"
I am Through Walking "The Modern Christian" Way
I am Ready, Lord
To Walk In The Way Of Christ
I am Now Really, Really, Listening To You!

Preserve My Soul, Lord
I am - Finally - Truly - Honestly -
With Your Constant Help
Denying All Associations 
With King Fraud!

Lord God Almighty,
I Am Yours
By Your Grace
In Jesus' Faith
I Know I Will Fly 
At The End
If I Endure To The End
With King Jesus
All The Redeemed Ones
Up Above The Clouds
To Dwell You On High!

I Love You, Lord
Forgive and Bless
In Jesus' Holy Name I Plead

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