
Thursday, February 18, 2016

PRAYER: Help Me To Deny My Wayward Self

Wayward Self and I had a Difference of Opinion
And, it did not turn out too well!
I wanted to Trust You More Today
Wayward Self wants Me to Believe as The World
That You're just Something inside My Head?!

You have to Help Me
Wayward Self is becoming more overbearing of late
As It knows that I'm Leaning on Something Someone
Who is Steering Me away from The Sinners' Just Fate!

I Love You!
I Trust You!
And, By Your Grace
There is Nothing and Nobody That can Change That
But That Wayward Self Is Acting Right Malicious
Pompasetting and Somehow Plotting
Something Nasty Behind My Mind's Back!

I Beseech You Today
To Hear Me as I Pray!
Please Remove Wayward Self Clean Out of My Way!
I Repent of My Sins
And I Am Walking As One Cleansed
BUT,  Lord Have Mercy
This Wayward Self is Pushing Me to Act 
Like Someone Straddling The Fence of Truth
And Avoiding Faith Like It's A Disease!

Lord, I am Mere Man!
You Created Me
And You Understand
For Jesus Christ Was Tested 
With Everything That Is Common To Man!
Jesus is Our Example
And You Say You Won't Leave Those Who Believe
For Satan to Trample Upon
So,  Please, Accept This Wayward Self 
That I am Placing On Your Altar
So that I will No Longer
By My Own Wayward Self
Be Made Anymore To Stumble and to Falter!

Help Me, Lord,
To Die To Self Today 
Every Day 
Until That Day that Begins Forever.

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