
Saturday, February 13, 2016

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Conversion of The Temple Candy-land Church of Smooth Things

The Church Smelled of Cotton Candy!
The Church Lobby Smelled of S'mores!
The Church Doors Were of Yum-Yums
Laffy Taffy Buttons Illuminated The Steps To The Altar
A Whole Lot, Lot, More!

For A Few Days This Sensory Overload Was Exciting!
For A Few Hours I Couldn't Ask To Taste Better Or For More!
BUT ...
The Steady Diet of The Sweet Stuff
Was Turning Members Into A Sack of 'Nuff Fluff!

One Day It Was Realized
By A Little Bit Of Short Stuff
Who Whined ... LOUDLY:

"Mummy,  I Have  A Belly Ache!
I Think I've Eaten Too Much Candy
Mum,  I Also Have A Raging Tooth Ache!


A Calm Reassuring Voice Is Speaking:

"Let Me Through!
I'm The New Doctor
In This House!
I Have The Prescription For What Now Ails You
And I Will Purge You
Of All The Candy Man's Slush and
Fluffy Stuff!"

"Take A Dose of The Purgative of Confession!
Take A Dose of Repentance To Save Your Own Soul!
Take A Bath In The Crystal Pool of Baptism
Arise Clean from The Cleansing That Through Christ Lasts
After Cleansing You of Your Sordid Hidden Past!"

"Take A Rest In The Book of The Ages
Invite The Spirit Holy In Your New Heart To Abide!
Walk Serenely With The Master - Your True Shepherd
Knowing That His Angels Walk At Your Side!"

"Today,  Right This Very Minute
I'll Teach You Of New Life Living!
No More Jelly Bellies!
No More Candy Melts!
No More Brown Nuts In White Chocolate!
No More Smoothies!
No More Lattes!
No More Sugar 
It Is Barred For Evermore!"

"Your New Diet
To Put You In Conformity To The Master Is:

God's Truth!
God's Sacrifice!
God's Light!
God's Holiness!
God's Justice!
God's Faithfulness!
God's Mercy!
God's Saving Grace!
God's Provision!
God For You Doth Fight!
God's Kingdom!
God Is Over All!
God Wins For His Called
Who Have Chosen NOT To Follow Satan
BUT Have Purposed To Let Jesus Christ
Be To Them All!"

Dear Ones:

Jesus Christ Is The Good Shepherd
Finisher of All Faith!

He Lived And He Died!
He IS Risen And He Resides
In Heaven Enthroned
At His Father's Side!

Jesus Christ,  Himself
Is Our High Priest
Who IS Touched By Our Infirmities!
He IS In The Holy Of Holies
Pleading For Humanity!

You Have Fed Long On The Diet
Full of Chewing Bubble Gum
That Could Only Cause Your Demise!
You Learned Of A God
- Not The True And Living Holy God -
Who Indulged Every Sight That Came Into Your Eyes!

The True God Is God The Jealous
Jealous For What Is His Own!
He Does Not Abide Abominations
He Will Not Permit Another God
To Be Enthroned Upon Your Heart - His Home!

So ...

Set Aside Your Idolatries
The Gods That YOU Made With Your Own Hands
The Gods That Encouraged You To Worship
In The Temple At Satan's Candy Land
Where Self-Satisfaction Is Master
Where Self-Adulation Is Dope
Where Self-Aggrandizement Is Paramount
Where Self,  Self,  and Self
The Methodology Of Hope and Cope!

You Are Not Your Own!
Work Out Your Own Salvation In Fear and Trembling
The Holy God Is On Heaven's Throne
God Takes Care of His Own
For This Alone
I Warn You To Return Home
For Judgment Begins In The House Of God's Own!

So ...

Wash The Sugar Out!
Live For Jesus Christ Alone!
You Won't For Your Own Sins 
Have To Singularly Atone!

The Ark of Safety Is Still Open!

When God Closes The Door
Those Who Are Within 
Don't Desire To Go Out


Those Who Are Without 
Cannot Enter In!


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