
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Personal Puzzler: Pay ... and Payback!

They Walked Along The Lonely Road!
The Path - But Not Their Hearts - 
Was Poorly Lit!
He Slithered Towards Them!
An Unsheathing Knife Is Heard
And, Then
Her Smooth Cheek
His Weathered Cheek 
He Precisely Slit!

The Jagged Cuts Are Bone Deep
Inflicted By The Vile Creep
As Payback
For Them Having Dared 
To Turn Away From Him
The Physician 
The Man
The Only One Who Can 
Gently Holds Their Trembling Hands
Offering Them Comfort Sweet
When They Cried Fit to Fill a Dam
He Carried His Bethrothed
To His Home
Where Nothing Defiles
The Road Is Paved
With Golden Tiles!

Dear Ones,

The Foregoing Poetic Verse
Is a Metaphor - Something Meaning Something Else.

There Is Quid Pro Quo - Something Offered For Something Else.

Please Use Your Knowledge Of The King James Holy Bible To Unlock The Truth.

Here Is A Tiny Clue To Get You Moving In The Right Direction:


Please Also Note 
That Some of The Truth 
Lies Plainly Hidden ... Between The Stated Lines!

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