
Thursday, March 17, 2016

STUFF & NONSENSE: From License To Excuse

Inalienable Rights
Were A Curiosity
An Unnatural Sight
Said Upon The Land To Cause
True and Lasting Blight
Which Led To The Law
That Conscience Was 
A Hook
A Claw
And Produced In Modern Men
A Pernicious Flaw
Which Caused
The Opening of The Ministry of License
Division of Excuses'
Department Of Old Saws and Seasonable  Rights
Rightly Seasoned With  Reasons for Seasons' Reasons and
Reasons for Reasons' Seasons!

With This Turn
Turn-Around Came Around
Come-Around Went Along
Went-Along Sang A Song
The Clock Said
Ding Dong Too Long!

Soon and Real Soon Said That
Might and Right
Met At High Noon
And The Big Balloons Were Busting
When The Wind Was High Gusting
While Waiting For 
The Win On The Wing!

At The End Of It All  ...

License to Be Loose
Turned Into
Excuse to be Obtuse!

License to Own A Goose
Turned Into
Excuse To Play Goose Loose!

License to Boast
Turned Into
Excuse to Become Gross!

License To Fun
Turned Into
Excuse to Around Run!

License to Drink A Lil' Gin
Turned Into
Excuse To Boldly Sin!

License For Protections Under Law
Turned Into
Excuse To Explore Expand Every Human Flaw!

License To Be Nice
Turned Into
Excuse For Practicing Vice!

License To Grow Rice
Turned Into
Excuse To Breed Roman Ticks and Lice!

License To Be Funny
Turned Into
Excuse To Overfill One's Tummy!

License To Thrill
Turned Into
Excuse To Constant Kill!

License To Hold Beliefs At The Core
Turned Into
Excuse To Call Doing Right A Boring Chore!

License to Be A Snap Chatter
Turned Into
Excuse To Snipe and People Batter!

License To Open Life's Door
Turned Into
Excuse To One's Evil Inner Core Adore and Explore!

License To Respire and Perspire
Turned Into
Excuse Against One's Friends To Conspire!

License To Pray
Turned Into
Excuse To Ever Always Stray and Replay!

License To Grouse
Turned Into
Excuse To Act Like A Rabid Crab Louse!

License To Own Right Sight
Turned Into
Excuse To Extinguish Holy Light and Insight!

Until,  Finally ...

Knowing Full Well That No One Needed
A License To Know God
They All Turned Way Away
And By No-Excuse 
Went To The Fraud
To Play 
To Pray
Believing That Lie
That God Is Pie In The Sky
That Man Is God
Who Will Not Really Truly Die
For Reincarnation Is True
That Every Man
Has Time Life X-Files Do And Redo
No Matter How Many
Life-Gaskets He Blew
For Earth Is Mother
With No Acceptance Of The Creator
And Thereby
Taking The Fight
Out of Having Sin Fought
And Taking Their  Pleasure
In Living Life To Get Caught
For Freedom - If Monied -  Is Easily Bought
When Through Partnership With Sin 
Active-Attractive Satan Is Explored Excellently 
And Valiantly Sought!


To Win 
By Right 
Is To Lose
Onsite Sight!


To Lose 
By Blight
 Is To Win 
The Life You Desire 
To Choose To Lose
After Having Acted 
Like Real and Common Refuse!


Sweet Life Ain' No Life!


Easy Living Ain' Easy!


Wrong Ain' Never Right


Glasses Can' Gi'e De
Blin' Man 'e Sight!


In De Lan' O' De Legless
One Leg Does Lead!


Butt Backward Can' Go Forward!

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