
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Dead Sermon

One Day
I Listened To A Dead Sermon!
I Even Heard A Funeral Dirge
For The Pastor That Was Preaching
Was Giving His Congregation
The Last Rites' Words!

Grant You
There Was No Casket
No Funereal Flowers
Scent Wafting About
I Tell You
It Was Indeed A Funeral
The Real Truth
Of The True And Living 
Ever Present
Holy God 
Was Not Talked About!

'Tis True!
'Tis True!
I Tell You!
I Have No Reason To Lie!
The Words Of The Comforting Minister
Were Enough To Make The Dead - Already In Comfort - Delightedly Sigh!

All Right!
I'll Prove It!

The Pastor Said:

"I Have No Desire To Tell You
Of Fire And Brimstone!
No Need To Tell You To Change Your Life!
You Have Enough Problems Daily To Deal With
I Am Not Here To Judge You
It Is Not My Mission To Add To Your Strife!"

"Listen To Me!
God IS Love!
God Loves You!
You Love Him!
He Knows That You Love Him!
And He Knows That You Know That He Knows That You Love Him!
And You Know That That's True!
So, Beloved
Bring Your Offerings!
I Don't Need Them
But I'll Not Tell You To Stop Giving Them To Me!
Plant Your Seeds!
Do A Good Work
If You Can
Help A Brother In Need
The God That We Love Is Quite Lovely
He Loves Us All
No Matter Our Living Estate!"

"Trust God
To Work Out Your Salvation!
Just Be Ready - When He Is -
To Walk Through Those Heavenly Pearly Gates!
You Are Over-comers
So, You Get The Win!"

"Don't Worry About Your Dying!
All Of Us Are Going To Die
God Will Take Us
To Heaven!
Don't Worry!
It's All Good
When You Die
By God You Fly!"

"Be Good!
Do Good!
See Good!
God IS Good!

Yet, The King James Bible Says:

BUT ... Shockingly ...

Everybody Joyfully Shouted:


AND ...

Having Drunk 
Of The Poisonously Sweet Milk
The Cookie-Cutter Accolades Sallied Forth:

"What A Sermon!"
"Man Of God!"
"I Was Blessed!"
"That Was Heavenly!"
"I Needed To Hear That!"
"God Bless Him!"
"Good! Good!"
"Very Good!"
"I Really Understood That Blessed Word!"

BUT ... BUT ...

Is God A Facing Liar?


For It Is Written ...

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