
Saturday, April 9, 2016


I Come To You
As A Child
And Willing To Learn Your Ways
Trusting Of Your Word
With Your Help And Guidance
Ready To Reason With You
To Come To The Conclusion Of
The Whole Matter!

Father, You Said That
Your Word Is Sealed and Settled In Heaven!
You Said You Are The Same Yesterday,  Today and Forever!
You Said You Change Not!
You Said You Are Jealous For
What Belongs To You
For Your Holy Name!

You Said That You Sanctify People Through Your Truth
You Said That Your Word Is Truth!

You Said That You Breathed Into Man's Nostrils
The Breath Of Life
And,  Thereby
Man Became A Living Soul!

You Said It Is Appointed Once For Man To Die!
You Said In The Instant A Man Dies
His Thoughts Perish
He Goes To His Long Home
You Said That The Dead Know Nothing!

I Believe What You Have Said

And Yet ...

Some Those Who Are Called
Ministers Of The Gospel
- Your Ministers -
Are Saying
That No Man Has Ever Died
That Man Cannot Die!

And,  Lord

Some Of Them Are Saying 
That It Is Okay
To Pray To Dead People
Because They Are Not Truly Dead
But Are Really In Heaven
With You
Working For You
In Our Behalf
Even Though You Said
That Your Only Begotten Son
Jesus Christ
Died Once
For All Mankind
And Is In The Holy Of Holies
In The Heavenly Sanctuary
Interceding For His Faithful
The Payment For Sin Was Death
And The Only Acceptable Payment Was Blood
The Pure Blood
Of The Unspotted,  Unblemished Lamb Of God
Who Took Away The Sin Of The Earth
And Who Laid Down His Own Life
And Died On The Cross Of Calvary
And Was Buried
And Who Took Back Up His Life
And Returned Home To You
In The Glorious Kingdom
And Is Coming Back To Earth - As You In Your Word Promised -
To Raise The Dead From Their Dusty Beds
In The Soil Of The Earth
From Which They Were Created -  By Your Word -
In The Hands Of The Word Of God
Who Was With You At The Creation Of The World
And Who Made All Things
Without Him
Was Not Anything Made That Was Made!

Father,  Have You Changed?
Have You Changed Your Plan?

You Said That You Do Nothing
Without Revealing The Same To Your Servants The Prophets!
You Also Said Not To Give Attention To Those Prophets
Who Say They Have Been Sent
With A Word From You
But Are Speaking -  Of Their Own Selves -
Lying Divinations!

You Said That Your Word Will Never Contradict Itself!

You Said That Understanding
Of Your Revealed Word
Will Be Found 
Precept Upon Precept
Line Upon Line
And Here A Little
There A Little!

Father,  You Said To Have Nothing To Do With Those
Who Have Familiar Spirits,
And Who Inquire Of Wizards That Peep!

How Is It Then
That Some Of The Ministers Of Your Truth
Are Saying That YOU Sent A Word Of Truth
To The Holy People 
Via The Very Instrumentality
That YOU Declared An Abomination?

Are You God
Should I Look For Another?

You Said That Knowledge And Understanding
Will Be Increased In The Last Days
But I Can Find Nothing In Your Word 
That Says
That YOU Gave Men 
- Born Of Deceitful Disposition -
To Fix Your Holy Word
Especially Since You,  Yourself, Said
That Heaven And Earth Will Pass Away
Not One Dot Nor Tittle 
- Nothing In Your Word -
Will Be Removed
Until All Of Your Word
Has Been Fulfilled!

Is There Another Book That You Have Written?

Why Are Your People Being Boldly Told
To Accept That YOU Can't Know Everything
That You Get Tired
Need Help From Finite Men
That You Are Too Busy
To Be Involved In Our Myriad And Various Affairs
As If You Are A Mere Man
Even Though You - Yourself -
Said That From Everlasting To Everlasting
You Are God
The Beginning And The Ending
The First And The Last
Who Made Heaven And Earth
All That IS In Them
And Who Is
-  In The Words Of The King -
With Us If We Are In Heaven
And If We Are  In Hell
You Will Be There Also?

You,  Yourself,  Said
That If You Were Hungry
You Would Not Tell Us For Everything Is Yours!

You,  Yourself,  Said
That Heaven Is Your Throne
Earth Is Your Footstool
And That They Cannot Contain You
But,  Yet,
You May Live In The Heart-Temple Of Man!

You Say That You Call
All The Stars Of Heaven By Name
And That You Designate Their Courses!

You Say That You Have Great Storehouses Of Hail
Against The Day Of Battle!

You Say That You Have Counted Every Hair On My Head
That You Knew Me Before I Was Born!

Lord, You Say That No Man
Can See You Face To Face And Live!

You Say That Jesus Christ Is
The Visible Image Of The Invisible God
Who YOU Are!

Jesus Christ Died To Save Me
I Trust Him At His Word!

Jesus Christ Sent His Holy Spirit
To Comfort Me
To Teach Me
To Guide Me
And, Also 
To Chide Me
When I Go Astray!

For This,  Lord
I Give You Praise!

Jesus Christ Is My Peace!

Jesus Christ Said That He
IS The Way
The Truth
The Life
That I Can't Get To You
Except Through Him
And,  Yet,  Lord
There Are Those Who Insist
That A Personal Relationship
With My Jesus
Is Dangerous?!

Lord, Please Tell Me
Why Would He
Who Created Me
Who Sustains Me
Who Made The Salvation Of My Soul Possible
To Permit Me To Call You Father
Who Is Preparing A Place For Me
In Your House
Be A Danger To Me?

Are You Still On Your Throne
Has Satan Raised His Throne
Above Yours?

I Can't See You
I Know You Are Here With Me
Right Now
In My Heart
And I - By Faith -
Choose To Walk
In The Jesus Way
Because Of The Living Truth
For I Love You,  Lord
I Desire To Receive The Eternal Life That You Promised
- To All Who Believe On Jesus Christ
Whom You Sent -
At The Trumpet Sound On The Last Day!

I Believe In You,  Lord!
Help Thou My Unbelief!

Please,  Lord
Order My Steps In Your Holy Word!

Give Me Your Eye-salve
Help Me You To Ever See!

Give Me The Garment Of Christ's Righteousness
That The Shame Of My Nakedness
The Mar Of My Sin
Be Not Exposed!

Help Me To Buy Of You
The Pure Gold That Has Been Tried
In Heaven's Fire
For I Desire My Soul's Salvation!

Keep My Eyes Fixed
My Feet Firm
My Back To The Gospel Plow
My Hope For Heaven High
My Heart On Your Forever Home!

Help Me Not To Heed
The Wily Call
The Willful Song
The Lustful Lullaby
The Deceitful Dirge
Satan's Silken Sinful Sounds In Songs!

Help Me To Speak Your Truth
Stand On Your Truth
Stand Up For Your Truth
No Matter The Matter
The Mess
Nor The Manner!

Please Hold Me!
Help Me!
Heal My Heart Of Sin and Wrong
And Let Me Not Be Swayed
By Illuminated Rhetoric
Nor By Church Economic Charts
Nor The Glittering Pageantry Of
The Traditions Of Unholy Men!

Have Mercy,  Lord,  On Me
I Desire The Right,  Lord
To Walk Through The Gates
And Enter Into Your City!

You Are Just!
You Are Faithful
I Confess My Sins!

Please,  Father
Forgive My Sins
Clean Me Of All Unrighteousness!
Let Your Mercy,  Lord
Not Only Forgive My Sins
But Blot Them Out Of Your Book Of Remembrance!

Oh,  Lord,
Help Me To Live
Let Me Die
In Your Living
Holy Word!

Let My Salt Be Savory
For Else It Will Be No Good
Save To Be Cast Upon The Ground
Trampled Underfoot
Let  My Light Shine Brightly
Before All Men
So That Your Holy Name
Will Be Glorified
Until The Great And Terrible Day
When All The Saints Of God
Some Still Living And Those Once Dead
Shall Ascend
To The Heights Of Heaven
The Church Triumphant
For I Love You
My Lord
My God!
Come Lord!

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