
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cataloging My Treasure-Pleasures

I Was Going On A Shopping Spree!
Many Things Were Available For Free!
Even More Things Were Available ... For A Fee!

I Did Not Need A List!
I Was Getting All
I Could Get In My Fist!
Everything I Saw
Looked So Delish
And Was As Beautiful As I Could Wish!

Pen Paper
Book Bag
Dress Jacket
Oh, And Chocolate
On Which I Could Fair Gag!

House Car
Furniture Drapes
Pots Pans
Treasures To Make Envious Neighbors Gape!

I Shopped!
How I Shopped
And My Shopping Only Stopped
I Fair Dropped!

I Cataloged All My Treasures
I Was Not Well Pleased!
Something Was Missing
But What
You Will Not Believe!
I Bought All Things For Cash Money
And Some For Usurious Credit, Too
But Nothing Of My Purchases
Were Of The Cost-Free Kind
I Honestly Tell You!

No Peace!
No Hope!
No Blessing Of Rest!
No True Sin Repentance!
No Soul Confession!
No Salvation For The Blessed!
No Character Of Christ!
No Hope For Heaven Assured!
No Love For Brother Sister!
No Striving For The Approval Of God!

Every Thing That I Purchased
Had A Marked Expiration Date
Meaning That Its Replacement
Will Be Coming Soon Or Late!

Everything I Owned Is Perishable!
It Billed The Cost To Me
And Everything That Is Lasting
To Me Is Marked: "FREE!"
To Jesus Christ 
A Terrible Terrible Fee!

I Looked At Me - My Self!
Head Down
I Looked At Jesus' Feet!
I Had Never Seen Anything In My Life
So Blessedly Sweet
The Holes In His Feet
To The Palms Of His Hands
The Gash In His Side
The Scars On His Brow High
About Everything
That Is Wrong With Me
Speaks Of Everything
That Is My Gift
Of God
I Answer
The Soft Plea!

I Reordered My Priorities!

Heaven Home
Rest Peace
The Promises Of God
Are All On Top!
By Living In For The Lord Jesus
I Can Will Never Be A Flop!

I Put The World On Mute!
I Put The Word On Blast
I Am Walking The Narrows
On Jesus Christ
My Lot Is Cast!

Please Know That
The Value Of The Valuables
A Life Of Worldliness
Is Of No Value
To A Life Of Godliness!

Let Us Appreciate The Difference!

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