
Thursday, May 19, 2016

One Voice

I Was Noisily Going About My Life's Business
Feeling Stressed Out
Put Upon
Spirit Almost Bankrupt
What Else
Is Going To Come Out
Press Me Up Against The Revolving Door
When I Heard
A Still Small Voice Saying:

Come Unto Me!
I Will Show You That There Is To Life Much More!

I Wasn't Into Still Small Voices!
Give Me A Bass-man Any Day!
I Wished It Would From Me Walk Away!
I Dismissed It!
I Continued Walking
That Voice
Wouldn't Go Away!

Come Unto Me!
You Are Burdened And Weary
But I Will Give You Rest!

I Said To My Despairing Self:

Don't Look At For It!
Just Steadfastly Walk Away!

My Strategy Didn't Work
I Soon Heard It Saying:

Call Unto Me!
I Will Answer You!
I Will Teach You Of Treasures Much Better Than Perishing Gold.

I Stopped!
I Vacillated!
I Turned!
I Said Asked Thought
With Fearing Authority :

I Don't Know You!
Who Are You?
Why Are You Talking To Me?
Please Go Away!
Lord, Help Me!

Jenis ...

How Do You Know My Name?Who Told You My Name?Lord,Where Are You?Lord Jesus Have Mercy!

Jenis, You Called Me!

Why Would I Call YOU!
I Don't Even Know You!
Lord, If You Are Really Real, Please Help Me!

Jenis. You Called Me Again!

No,  I DIDN'T,  So Go Away!
Lord, Have Mercy! I Need You Now!

Jenis, I AM Here!


Yes,  My Child.

But ...  But ...
What Are You Doing Down Here?! 
You Are Supposed To Be UpUpUp THERE!

Beloved,  I AM Everywhere!
I AM Wherever My Children
Are Surely To Be Found!
You Call Me By Faith!
I Answer In Truth!

For Long You Have Been Suffering
Under A False Theology
That A Personal Relationship With Me, Jesus
Is Ill-advised
A Decided Impossibility!

A Personal Relationship
With You I Long For!
A Personal Relationship
With Me
Is The Only Kind That Can Work!
Welcome Me Into Your Heart's Door
Your Life's Living
Will Be No More
A Burdensome Chore!

I Stood ... AMAZED!!

My Lord And I
Walked On In Sweet Communion!
I Questioned!
He Answered!
My Heart Is Blessed!

Since Then
There Have Been Times
I Must Confess
I Fell Back Into Old Ways
Becoming Complacent
Immediately Becoming Stressed
The Master
- He Who Before My Parents
Knew Me And Created Me -
Instructs Me

Speaking So Softly Gently:

You May Just Talk To Me
Tell Me About Your Day
Even If You Don't Need Anything
You May Just Say: "Hi! Friend!"
As You Pray!

I AM Not A Broker!
I AM Not A Banker!
I AM Not Just A Fixer Of Things!
I AM Your Soul's Savior
The Lord Of Everything!

Call Me! - I Will Answer!
I Am The Rock - Your Fortress
By Me The Gates Of Heaven
To You Will Be Unlocked!

Tell Me Your Troubles!
Give Me Your Cares!
Walk With Me
In Faith
By Belief In My Written Holy Word!

I Make You This Promise
Your Life Because Of Me Will Be Made Hard
But Keep Walking In My Ways
For The Day Of Redemption Is Coming
In Triumph
You Will Laugh
And Hard
At Your Short Tribulation
Your Forced Descent Into The Dark Night
But Your "Glory!"
Will Burst Forth
In My Gloriously
Bright Light!

Let No One Kill Your Hope In Me
Trust Me Completely
For I Don't Save Incompletely!
And Your Faith
Will Let You See Me As Your King
In Real Time

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