
Friday, June 3, 2016

HAPPY SABBATH + Yoga Christianity!

I Was Happy With My Decision Position!
My Soul Was At Peace With My God!
That Is
Until The Brothers
The Sisters
The 501C3 Churchmen
Started Acting Like Ace Agents
For King Fraud!

At First
The Nudges Were
Almost Sorta Kinda
Maybe Probably
Until They Were
Decidedly Distinctly
I Was Getting Mighty Close To Bending
Until I To My Jesus
My Burning Bewildered Heart Did Out Pour:

Father, You Know That I Love You!
I Honor You!
I Hallow Your Ways
The Leaders Of The Church
The Under Shepherds
Are Preaching Everything
Contrary To Your Immutable  Holy Word!

Allah Is Almighty God!
Fourth Commandment Sabbath Is Rising Sunday!
Marriage Is Sanctioned Between Whomever
Is Monogamously In Love!
The Three Angel's Messages Of Revelation 14
Are Not Pertinent
For Our God Is A God Of Love!

Man Is Immortal!
Man's Soul Can't Won't Will Never Die!
Christ's Return Is Silent Secret
Those Allegedly Left Behind
Have Seven Years
To Work To Get Their Souls With God Right!

The Unleavened Bread
Plain Grape Juice
Of Our Dear Lord's Last Supper
Is By The Will Of Collared Men
Turned Into A Daily Fresh Feast Of The Living Dead!

Are Just Terms For Sex Self-Pleasing!

Necromancy Is Just A Rerouted Connection
To The Voice Of One We Desire To Have Heard
And To Have Us In The After-Life Believing!
Faith And Works Are To Each Man Subjective
Compromise Of The Soul
Just Makes Residence On This Planet More Pleasing!

Satan Is An Allegory
Of A Man Misunderstood
Is Just Recycling Done Good!
Truth Of The Living Go
 Is As Explained
By The Man Who Understands
The Biblical Languages Real Good
Sorrow For Sin
Is A Psychiatric Technique
For Those Whose Consciences Grate 
Their Finger Toe Nails Real Good!

Lord, Have Mercy!
Help Me To Stand!
Apostasy Is Being Practiced
Like The Moves Of The Yoga Man!
Fluidic Positioning Is Power!
That Power Says: "The World Shall Be By Me Attain Peace!"
Lord, Please Help Me To Hold Fast To You
Don't Let Me By Satan Get Fleeced!

Help Me To Stay Humble!
Help Me To Stand Firm!
Help My Faith Of The Seed Mustard Grow
Not Crash In The Cut Down And Get Burned!

Jesus Christ Is My Only Shepherd!
The Holy Spirit
Comforts Chides And Teaches Me The Right Way!
Dear God, You Are My Father!
Please Do For Me
What The Transcript Of Your Character Says!

I Love You, Lord!
I Am Listening!
Let Me Only Your Holy Voice Hear!
Please Let This Childlike Heart
In You
Daily Gladly Rejoice
Not Look Around Me In Useless Fear!

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