
Saturday, June 4, 2016

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Life Letter: Heaven Records

I Got A Letter In The Mail Today!
The King Is Coming!
Soon Is Judgment Day!
The Records Were Investigated
Ready Or Not
The Judge Of The Earth Is Coming
His Rewards He'll Be Handing Out!

The Letter I Received Is Specific!
The Record Of Heaven
Contains All Of My Deeds
The Good
The Bad
The Ugly
The Things I Was Sorry For
Those Things For Which I Sneering Said:

"Oh, Jeez!  Puleeze!"

The Letter Also Stated Quite Clearly
That There Will Be A Settling Of Accounts
I Must Report To The  King Judge
Concerning His Talents To Me He Had Handed Out!

I Must Be Able To Render An Accounting
Which Says How I Blessed God With What To Me He Did Pay
Whether I Made Profit
Or Usury
Or If The Master's Talents
I Solemnly Buried Out Of The Light Of Day!

My Letter Said Something
That Gave Me Great Goosies Cold!
It Said That
Angels Are With Me Recording Everything I Do Say
It Said That If I Could See Beyond The Dark Glass Curtain
I Would Be Hesitant About The Words Actions
I So Casually
Lightly Loudly Shout
Cast About!

The Letter Also Said By Way Of A Stark Warning
That Unconfessed
Unrepented Sin
Will See Me From The Lord Cast Forever Away
It Said Quite Plainly
Mother Father
Brother Sister
Husband Wife
Son Daughter
Priest Prophet
Nor Guru Of Best Life
Will Get Me A Heavenly Home Free Card
If I Don't Cherished Sin
Through Jesus' Faith
From Me Cast Out!

By Way Of Dread Dire Reminder
It Clearly Stated:

"God Cannot Save Your Soul
Eternal Death
You Confidently Live In Sin."


It Passionately Reminded Me

"With Jesus Christ
Your Captain
You Can Always Be Confident
The Win!"

It Closed With The Charge About Faith Sharing
Showing To Others The Gospel Road
Reminding Me About False Shepherds Prophets
Who Will Sell The Faithful Out To The Devil
For A Pot Of Fools Gold.

In Quiet Contemplation
I Called On The Name Of My Lord!
I Confessed My Sins
Believing On The Living Eternal Word.

I Trust My Lord God The Master!
I Rest Easy With The Comforter Dear!
I Hope In God The Father Almighty
I Started A New Writing Tablet
Which Starts Out This Way:

My Dearest Friend:

I Have To Introduce You To My Jesus!
He Is The King Of Heavenly Joys Always!
He Is The Returning King
The Rock Of All Ages
So Let Me Tell You About The Blessings
And What Else He Gives To Me
As My Longing Soul He Lovingly Saves And Satisfies ...! 

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