
Friday, July 1, 2016

HAPPY SABBATH: The Trial For Standing In Jesus Christ's Faith

The Trial For Jesus' Faith

The State Vs. Faithful Christian

The Charge:

1. Faith In The Old God
2. Belief In Old God's Promise Of Eternal Life After Obedient Life In Jesus Christ,  Even Unto Mortal Death

Actionable Event: 

A. Telling The World Of Old God's "Truths" Against State Law And Ordinance.
B. Troubler Of The State

Plea Entered: 

Guilty As Charged.


JUDGE: Do You Have Anything To Say Before Sentence Is Passed.

DEFENDANT: Yes,  Sir, I Do.

JUDGE: You May Proceed.

DEFENDANT: In Jesus' Name!

Your Honor,
After Having Lived A Debauched Life
Following Satan And His Lying Crew
I Realized At The Sun's Dawning
On A Great And Glorious Day
That A Life Of Sin
Was No Longer The Thing For Me!

I Realized That That Life Had Surely Proven
That Sin Does Not Pay
And After Listening
To That Still Voice Calling Me
I Dug Out My Old Bible
That My Dear Old Granny
Had Lovingly Given Me.

I Turned To The Blessed Book Of Matthew
And Started Reading Until I Found The Lord's Prayer!

I Turned To The Blessed Book Of John
And Read Until I Reached
Chapter 3 Verses 16 And 17
And There I Stopped
Then, Hurt
BUT Driven!

I Remembered ... Saintly Old Job
Oh, The Memory Of The Living Faith I Had
Before I Misspent My Youth!

Job 19:25
Brought Tears To My Eyes!

Righteous Job
Tormented By That Fraud Satan
Accused Wrongfully By Friends
And Despised By The Community
Which He Had Fed And Clothed
And Then To Hear The Wife Of His Heart
His Heretofore Trustworthy Help-Meet
Telling Him To Curse The Living God And Die
And To Read Of Old Job
Maintaining His Integrity
Before His Beloved Holy God, Saying
In Truth And Beauty

I Know
That My Redeemer Liveth
That He Shall Stand
The Latter Day
The Earth.
What A Blessed Hope.
Job Continued, Saying
And Though Worms
After My Flesh
This Body
In My Flesh
Shall I See God
With My Own Eyes
And Not Those Of Another.

What A Blessing That Was!

The God Of All Creation
Gave Me 
In That Very Day
A New Life
A New Hope
A New Mission
A Promise That He Shall Keep
When He Comes Again
And To Take His Faithful People Home.

In That Beautiful Beginning 
Of The New Day
I Answered The Call
Of The Living God's Holy Spirit
To Walk Faithfully
Obeying The True Word Of God
Before The Corrupt Word
Of Demon Inspired Men
Who Break God's Settled And Sealed Word!

I Broke No Law That Was In Keeping With The Law Of God!

I Chose The Blessing Of God
Eternal Life In Heaven With Jesus Christ!
No More Pain!
No More Sorrow!
No More Dying Body!

For Having Kept The Faith
Of The Lord Jesus Christ
At The Sound Of The Trumpet Of God
And The Hearing Of The Voice Of The Archangel
At The Breaking Of The Eastern Sky
Whether You Condemn Me To Die Now
Or I Am Alive At The Appearing
I Shall Be Glorified!
I Shall Receive A Forever Young Body!
I Shall Be Immortalized!

I Shall Attain
By My Living Faith
That Unreachable
Unattainable Goal
That Satan Himself
Promised To You All
But Can't Deliver.!

I Shall See
Face To Face
Your Euphemistic
But My Very Real
Holy Living 
Always Available To The Believer God
That Your Dying
Soon To Be Eternally Dead Wannabe God
Could Not Tempt To Sin
Could Not Destroy
Even Though
He Had Him Cruelly Abused
And Ultimately Killed.

You May Kill My Body
You Cannot Kill My Body And My Soul
In Hell!

I Stand Before You Here
In This Life
Unclean And Guilty!

I Stand Before Almighty God
The Eternal God
My Lord And My God
My Savior
My Redeemer
My Friend Until My Mortal Life Ends
Clean And Innocent!

I Have Robbed No Man Of His Wages!
I Have Coveted No Man's Property
Nor His Husband Nor His Wife!
I Don't Bow Before Useless Idols!
I Don't Steal!
And I Don't Bear False Witness
Against Anyone
Not Even For Perishable Gold!

Yes! I Used To Be A Sinner
But I Confessed And Repented Of My Sins
And By The Blood Of Jesus Christ
I Was Able To Present Myself
Before The Throne Of Grace
To Receive God's Full And Free Forgiveness!

I Keep All The Commandments Of God!
I Have The Faith Of Jesus
And,  Yes
I Keep The Seventh Day Sabbath Holy Unto God!
Yes, I Keep All 10 Of God's Immutable Commandments
Because If I Break One
I Break Them All!

God Does Not Ask For Much From Me
When I Look At All His Beloved Son Paid
To Redeem Me
From Death And Hell
From The Clutches Of Satan
And His Abominable Crew
Who Did All
To Make Me My Jesus Eschew!

I Openly Willingly Chose
Eternal With My Jesus!
I Give Unto Him
Love Honor
Prayers And Praise
My Will And My Way
And My Self In Every Way!

Heavenly Father,  Into Your Holy Hands
I Commend My Mortal Spirit
For Satan Has No Part In Me!
I Am Your Sheep
And I Am Glad Of It
And I Look To The Glorious Day
And My Eternal Life With You In It!

Father, You Have And I Know You Will
Continue To Supply All Of My Need
According To Your Blessed Eternal Riches In Glory!

I DO NOT Fear Man
For I Can Here Feel Your Hand!
I Know That The Angels Are Here Attending!
Glory Be To The Son
At Your Right Hand!
And Thank You, Father
For The Blessed Comfort Of Your Holy Spirit
And The Inspired Word Provided As You Promised!
Blessed Is The Name Of My God!

Thank You. 

JUDGE: You Are Hereby Sentenced To Death By Guillotine! The Sentence Will Be Executed Immediately!

Remove The Condemned From This Hallowed Place!


Later That Evening ...

Station LITE
END of Life News:

... The Final Words Heard Coming From The Mouth Of The Condemned Faithful Christian Were: 

"Victory In Jesus! 
The Lord Is My Shepherd!" 


This Just In ...

The Seas Are Now As Dead Men's Blood! 
The Stench Is Reportedly Unbelievable 
And The Mighty Ships In The Once Sea Water Are Effectively Dead! 

This Is Surely A Plague Of Truly Epic And Biblical Proportions! 

Do You Think What The Christians Have Been Saying Is Really True!?! <>

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