
Saturday, July 23, 2016

PRAYER: Lord, Tell Me The Story

Lord,  Please Hold My Hand
And Tell Me Again The Story
Of How  And Why You Left Your Glory
To Come To Earth
To Live As A Mere Man!

Tell Me Again The Story
Of Your Anointing By Baptism
When The Father And The Spirit
In Reality
The Godhead At Once
At The Occasion Were All Present!

Tell Me Again The Blessed Story
Of The Curse That Took You To Calvary
To Be Poured Out
So That I Could Be Brought Up
To The Heavenly Father Again!

Tell Me, Dear Lord
Of Your Anointing
As The High Priest Of My Confession
In The Most Holy Place
In The Sanctuary In Heaven
Pleading Your Merits To Cover My Sin
Indeed Pleading Your Blood
That Showers Me In Eternal Love!

Tell Me,  Lord
Tell Me
Of The Place For Me
That You Have Prepared
In Your Father's Great House
Show Me
How To Live
How To Love
How To Honor You
Help Me To Grow
In Your Grace
Through Your Mercy
Ever Obedient
As I Go Along The Lonesome Way
Praying For Grace
For Every Day
For The Salvation Plan
That Let's Me Reach Out
To Hold Your Hand
Body Marred By For Me
Ever Giving
Voice Calling Me To Be Like Thee!

Lord,  Tell Me The Story
Of Your Love To Me
For I Desire To Live For
And Be Like Thee!

I Love You, Lord.

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